Programs Reference Table

The Programs Reference Table entries populate the Prospect Entrance Program and Student Initial Program. The GPA Group assigned to a Program define it as either an Undergraduate or Graduate Program.

Programs Fields:

Program - Name of the Program that displays in the drop-downs.

Program Code - Populate this if required for any State reporting, such as Texas State reports.

Full Time Hours - For reference.

Division - For reference.

Max. Hours - For reference.

Active - Check this to set the Program active. Uncheck to set the Program inactive. Inactive Programs will display in report criteria so that reporting can still be done.

Dual Degree Eligible - For reference.

Hood Color - For reference.

Diploma Wording - For reference.

Show in Contact Portal - For future use.

Professional - For reference.

GPA Group - Designates whether this Program is Graduate or Undergraduate by the settings made in the GPA Group.

Note: Only Graduate Programs display in the Graduate Application Portal. Undergraduate Programs and Programs without a GPA Group will display in the Application Portal.