Distributing Development Batches

Once entries have been made in the various batches, you must distribute the transactions to the constituent ledgers. You can use a recurring batch to handle all transactions for a particular campaign, so that when you distribute the batch you can still continue to add transactions to the batch. Because all transactions within a batch will be distributed at the same time, you may wish to use a gift batch for non-split gifts, and a separate split gift batch, for those transactions which will be split between two donors who have an active joint relationship.

To distribute a batch:

  1. From the CAMS Enterprise Home page, click Development >Batch to open the Development/Fundraising Batch Entry window.

Note: Prior to distributing batch transactions to the constituent ledger, you may wish to print a pledge or gift edit list. To do this, highlight the appropriate batch, and then click the Reports tab. Select Gift Edit List or Pledge Edit List and then click Print. The edit list displays in your Crystal Reports viewer.

  1. Highlight the batch you wish to distribute and click the Distribute button. The Distribute Fund Entry window displays with the Batch Name, Batch Type (Pledge, Gift, or Soft Credit), and Batch Comment fields already populated.
  2. Leave the Distribute to Ledger Date field blank if you wish to retain the original batch entry date, or enter a new date to change all transactions in the ledger to the new entry date.
  3. Select the Next Occurrence Date(recurring batches only) which will update the Gift or Pledge entry date for each transaction in the batch.
  4. Click the Distribute button (non-split gifts) or if you wish to distribute a split gift batch, click the Dist with Joint Split button. A confirmation message displays asking whether to proceed with the distribution. Click Yes to continue, or No to cancel the distribution. If you decided to continue the distribution, another confirmation message displays stating the distribution is complete. Click OK. All transactions within the batch will be distributed to the constituents ledgers.
  5. If the batch is NOT a recurring batch, then it will have been removed from the Batch List. Recurring batches remain in the Batch List to accommodate future transaction entries.

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