Split Gifts

Gifts can be split equally between two constituents who are linked together in Constituent Profile >More tab >Relationships provided that the joint relationship is set to Active. Gifts that are split will automatically generate a Soft Credit transaction in the same “split” amount for each party.

Gifts that are to be split should be placed in a separate batch. The Split Gift process will apply to all transactions residing in this batch, so be careful to keep these types of gift transactions separate from those you do not wish to have split. The process of splitting gifts occurs during batch distribution.

Note: You can only have one type of transaction in each batch. You cannot combine multiple types of gifts (spit or whole). Split gifts may ONLY be created as Batch transactions, NOT Ledger transactions. Only Gift Batches can be split. Pledges will only be split if they are attached to a split gift transaction.

To Apply Split Gifts:

  1. All transactions to be split have been entered in the proper batch designated for Split Gifts (Development >Batch)
  2. Highlight the proper batch in the Development/Fundraising Batch Entry form and click the Distribute button. The Distribute Fund Batch form will open.
  3. (Optional) As necessary, enter the Distribute to Ledger Date. Note that the date entered in this field will overwrite original transaction dates that are attached to each transaction. To retain original transaction date, leave this field blank.
  4. Click the Dist with joint split button. CAMS will calculate the split amounts for pledges, gifts, and will also apply soft credit during the distribution process. These transactions now appear in each constituent’s ledger.

Non-Pledge Gifts

Gifts which are not attached to a pledge will be split equally between the two joint accounts, and soft credit will be applied equal to the split amount. For example, if Constituent A gives $1,000 and has an active joint relationship with Constituent B, then if Distribute with Split Gifts is selected during the batch distribution process, each constituent will receive $500 hard credit and $500 soft credit on their constituent ledgers.

Pledge Gifts

A gift which is attached to a pledge will also split the pledge between the joint constituents. The pledge will have the joint constituent's user id attached to it once it has been split. Note that if the joint relationship between the two constituents is removed, and another joint relationship is defined, the gift will still be split with the original relationship defined at the time of the original split.

Voiding Split Gifts or Pledges

When voiding a gift or pledge, you will have the option to void the other gift or pledge existing on the joint constituent's account.

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