Constituent Profile Page 2

The profile pages in this window are used to identify the constituent. Data input in these fields allows you to later filter records for particular reports and mailings, thus targeting and profiling specific constituent groups.

The second profile page will vary according to the Account Type that has been selected in the first profile page. When working with Corporations, there will be only one section, which displays Donor Totals. For all but Corporation Account Type, there will be two sections:


  1. This section identifies demographic information about the constituent. Indicate the constituent's gender and date of birth.
  2. Supply the constituent's religion (Religion glossary table).
  3. Supply the constituent's marital status (Marital Status glossary table).
  4. Supply the constituent's ethnicity (Origins glossary table).
  5. Enter the constituent's church and web site if applicable.


The section that displays here depends on which of the above options has been selected.

  1. Click Totals to display the constituent's totals.
  2. Click Spouse to enter the constituent's spousal information such as SSN, date of birth, etc.
  3. Click Greeting to enter the greeting information such as maiden name, preferred name, joint salutation, etc.
  4. Click Alumni to enter association and class information.

Note: Transferring students to Development will give the Constituent the Class Year based on the maximum graduation date of the earned Degrees; if the student doesn’t have an earned Degree, the Class Year is based on the maximum end date of the Term from the student’s academic records. If the student does not have academic records or earned Degrees, the Class Year will be blank when transferred to Development. Retransferring existing Constituents will correct Class Years automatically.

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