Corporation Constituents

In order for Constituents to be linked to Employers in the Development >Constituent >Constituent Profile >More tab >Employer form, a constituent record with an Account Type of Corporation must exist. In order for Matching Gifts to be applied, matching gift amounts must be set.

To create a Corporation Constituent:

Constituent Account

  1. Access the Constituent Profile by clicking Development >Constituent >Constituent Profile. The Constituent Account section of the window identifies the constituent type, offering three fields of categorization.
  1. Supply Account Agent (Fund Agents Reference Table). This is the solicitor, or person responsible for the account.
  2. Stop Mailing: If you check this option, this constituent can be excluded from mass mailings you create through Donor BYOR.

Constituent Profile

Enter the Company Name as well as the Primary Contact's Salutation, First, Middle, and Last names.

Primary Address

While many addresses can be stored for a constituent, only one can be marked as the primary address at any given time. This section of the profile window simply displays that primary address. To modify or assign a new primary address, access the Constituent Address List form by clicking on the icon next to "Primary Address" in this section. Note that the primary email address that has been recorded in the address record marked primary will appear at the bottom of this section and can be used as a direct link to send email.

To set Matching Gift amounts:

  1. On the Constituent Window, click the blue Profile tab to access the Profile Page 2 form. A list of donor totals (if any exist) displays in the data grid. Click Yes next to Allows Matching Gifts. This causes other fields to appear.
  2. Enter the matching percent. This is the percent of the gift that is being matched. For instance, if the company's employee David Smith donates $100, and the matching gift percent is set to 10%, then the company would donate $10. When the Update Matching Credits is run, the $10 is transferred to a batch, then that batch can be distributed to their ledger.
  3. Enter the Match Minimum and Match Maximum Amounts. These are the amounts within which the employee donation must fall in order to qualify for the matching gift percent.
  4. Close the window to save information.

Click the following links to add more constituent information:




Planned Gifts

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