Development Soft Credit Batch Transactions

Soft credit may be applied to any constituent in CAM Enterprise, including Alumni, Corporations, and Individuals. A joint account between the hard credit donor and the soft credit recipient is NOT necessary for assigning soft credit. Even though constituents may have joint accounts, soft credit is not automatically applied, therefore the joint relationship is not necessary. One hard credit gift may be assigned to multiple soft credit recipients until the total amount of the all hard credit gift has been assigned. For example, if the hard credit is $1,000, the hard credit donor may elect to give soft credit of $500 to his employer and $500 to his spouse. Soft credits are ONLY assigned in a soft credit batch. Gifts must first be distributed to constituent ledgers in order to be used as hard credit. Cash and non-cash transactions both qualify as hard credit. Soft credit may be applied to any campaign. Soft credit batches must be distributed to constituent ledgers in order to view updated soft credit totals. CAMS never posts soft credit to the General Ledger.

To add soft credit batch transactions:

  1. Access the Development/Fundraising Batch Entry window by clicking Development >Batch. The Development/Fundraising Batch Entry window opens with the Batch List displayed.
  2. Double-click the Soft Credit Batch to which you wish to add a transaction, or create a new soft credit batch, and then double-click that batch to open the Batch Detail window. Any transactions already residing in this batch display. If none display in the data grid, then no transactions have been added to this batch yet. Right-click to add a new soft credit transaction.

Note: Once soft credit transactions have been added to a batch, they cannot be modified. However, a soft credit transaction may be deleted by highlighting the transaction and clicking Delete.

  1. Select the Hard Credit Transaction to use for the association. This transaction MUST be in the Constituent Ledger. Use the following criteria to select the Hard Credit Transaction:

Click Find. CAMS lists all available cash and non-cash (hard credit) gifts matching the criteria.

  1. Double-click the Hard Credit Gift for which you want to assign soft credit. This hard credit gift remains until you do one of two things:
  1. Select the first Soft Credit Recipient to assign soft credit. This recipient is most likely NOT the same donor as the owner of the Hard Credit.
  2. Select the Campaign (required) to which soft credit will be applied.
  3. The soft credit Amount (required) is automatically populated based on the Remaining Credit field. However, if applying partial soft credit to multiple recipients, enter the appropriate amount. The Remaining Credit field is modified accordingly.
  4. Enter a Note regarding the soft credit transaction if desired.
  5. Click Finish to save this information or Cancel to exit without saving.

Note: If applying one hard credit gift to multiple soft credit recipients, clicking Finish prompts the following message: "Do you wish to add this soft credit donor and complete the association of soft credit donors to this hard credit?" Click No to save the current transaction and remain on the window so that another soft credit recipient may be assigned by using the search icon to locate the next recipient. Click Yes to save the transaction and return to the batch transactions window.

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