Development Batch Entry

The Development/Fundraising Batch Entry window allows you to add gifts, pledges, and soft credits to batches and proof batch transactions prior to distributing them to the constituent ledger.  From this window, you can also perform the following tasks:

View the Distribution History of all batches

View a Summary of all batch entries which includes the campaign name and totals

Print Receipts for transactions in gift batches

Distribute batch entries to the constituent ledger

To add a batch:

  1. Access the Development/Fundraising Batch Entry window by clicking Development >Batch.  The Development/Fundraising Batch Entry window opens with the Batch List displayed.
  2. Click Add (or right-click in the data grid) to open the Add Batch Parameters entry form.
  3. Enter the Batch Description.
  4. Select the Batch Type from the list.  There are three types of batches.  Click the following links to get instructions on adding transactions for each batch type:
  1. Click the check box next to Recurring Batch if you plan to regularly distribute these particular transactions (such as payroll deductions).  This prevents you from having to enter a gift given on a regular basis (such as each pay period) more than once.  The item will be distributed to the constituent ledger and will also be retained in the batch after distribution.  You may then distribute the item as a new transaction on the next distribution interval.  You may discontinue or remove a recurring batch by highlighting the batch and clicking Delete.  If you have Auto Generate Receipt on Save enabled in the CAMS Manager Configuration screen then each time the batch is distributed a new receipt number will be generated for that transaction.
  2. Click the check box next to Allow Multiusers if you plan to allow multiple users to access the batch.
  3. Click Add to save this batch, or Cancel to exit without saving.

Note:  You may wish to create separate batches for split gifts and non-split gifts.  Batch transactions must all be distributed at once, and you can either Distribute non split gifts, or Distribute with Split Gifts, but non split and split gifts cannot be distributed separately if created in the same batch.

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