Default Award Amounts

Default Award Amounts may be based on the number of credits for which a student is registered. Amounts are determined by the closest credit that is equal to or below the student’s actual credits. For example, there are default award amounts for credits of 7 and 10. If the student has registered for 9 credits the award will be equal to the 7 credit amount. Default award amounts are created in Financial Aid >Setup >Award Reference. If the Auto Adjust Financial Awards field is checked in the CAMS Manager >Configuration >Financial Aid tab, awards will be automatically adjusted based on the amounts defined if the student's load changes within the Maximum number of days to adjust from term start date, which is also set in the Financial Aid configuration tab. Awards with no default award amount will not be automatically adjusted.

To Add Default Award Amounts:

  1. In Financial Aid >Setup >Award Reference, highlight the award in the Award Reference List and then right-click in the Default Award Amount data grid.
  2. The Default Award Amounts window opens. The highlighted award is displayed.
  3. Enter the Term for which the default amount will be effective.
  4. Enter the number of Credits and the Amount that should be awarded for that number of credits.
  5. Click Update to save the Award Amount or Cancel to return to the Award Reference Entry window without saving.
  6. Repeat until all default award amounts for the specified term have been applied to the award.

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