CAMS Configuration Misc Options

Certain global settings are defined in this tab. They are as follows:

Financial Aid

Auto Adjust Financial Awards - If checked, awards that have Default Award Amounts defined in the Awards Reference table in Financial Aid Setup will be automatically adjusted if the student's load changes within the maximum number of days allowed for adjusting. If not checked, award amounts will NOT be automatically adjusted even if the award has default amounts defined in the Awards Reference table. This option cannot be used if the Auto Repackage Students (Prioritized Packaging Process) option below is checked.

Auto Repackage Students (Prioritized Packaging Process) - If checked, awards that have been assigned via the Prioritized Packaging process will be adjusted according to the packaging rules for each award. This option cannot be used if the Auto Adjust Financial Awards option above is checked.

Max Number of days to adjust from term start date - Award default amounts are defined in the Awards Reference table in Financial Aid Setup. If checked, awards will be automatically adjusted if the student’s load changes within the maximum number of days allowed for adjustment. If not checked, award amounts will NOT be automatically adjusted. Term start and end dates are set in the Term Calendar table.

Address Validation

Address validation software installed - If checked, this indicates that Satori address management software has been installed. This is a third party software that integrates with CAMS to ensure accurate address checking. Do NOT check this box if not using Satori address management software.

Mail room server - If using the Satori address correction software, you may choose to house the mail room server on another server besides the CAMS IIS server. If this is the case, enter the fully qualified domain name, which must be in the form: fully_qualified_doman_name:port with the port as 5150 by default. For example, if the server name is, then the entry in the Mailroom Server field would be

Note: If installing Satori on a server other than the CAMS IIS server, Satori mailroom server and Satori COM interfaces must be installed on the mailroom server, and Satori COM interfaces must be installed on the CAMS IIS server. If Satori is installed on the CAMS IIS server, only Satori COM interfaces must be installed on the CAMS IIS server.

Document Tracking

Set the default selection for the Default Adm Doc Track Filter drop-down to be used in Admissions Document Tracking. No Default Filter will set the default selection to "No Filter" which will display all documents linked to all GPA Groups. Active Admission GPA Grouping will set the default selection to the students active GPA Group which will display documents associated with the students Active GPA Group as set in Student Admissions Information Admin. 2 tab.

In the R2T4 Document drop-down, set the document to be used when selecting the Print & Save to Doc Track option in Return to Title IV processing located at Tools >Processing >Financial Aid >R2T4.

Schedule Faculty Restrictions

Set the restriction on faculty scheduling. To require that faculty have a contract to teach on a campus, select Limit Faculty by Campus. To require that faculty have a contract to teach a course, click the box next to Limit Faculty by Course. To require both, place check marks in both boxes.

Application Password Options

Check the box next to Enable Password Expiration to cause CAMS Enterprise and the Course Management Administration portal passwords to expire after a certain number of days. Enter the number of days in which passwords should expire in the Expires Every # Days field. Users will be required to change their password after this number of days has passed since the last time their password was changed. The number of days can be set between 0 and 365. Setting the field to 0 (zero) equates to never expires. CAMS Enterprise users whose User Administration profile is set to not allow password changes will not be forced to change their password after the expiration period.

Password Security Requirement Options

Select from the following options to enforce specific password security when creating a new user or when existing users change their password. Passwords in CAMS Enterprise must be between 6 and 36 characters in length. Requirements set here do not affect Active Directory or LDAP logins; those options must be configured using external tools for the respective method.

Minimum Password Length Allowed – set the minimum number of characters required for the password. This number can be within the range of 6 to 36 characters.

Require Special Characters – enable this option to require at least one special character in passwords. Special characters accepted are the following:

. , ; : - ? ! / \ " ' _ ( ) [ ]

Require Upper and Lower Case Characters – this option requires at least one uppercase and one lowercase alpha character in the password.

Require Numeric Characters – this option requires at least one numeric character in the password.

Number of Times a Password Must Be Unique - enter the number of times between 1 and 12 that a user can change their password before they are allowed to repeat a password.

Additional Options

Place a check mark next to Remove SSN/National ID duplicate checking for Prospects to allow multiple Prospect records with duplicated Social Security Numbers or National ID entries. This can be useful if you wish to allow multiple Prospect records for the same person. Leave this option unchecked to disallow duplicated Social Security Numbers or National ID entries.

Note: This configuration option affects Prospect records only. Student records must have unique Social Security Numbers and National ID entries.

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