Setting Up Financial Aid Years

You may establish as many Financial Aid Years for each academic year as needed. Financial Aid Years should reflect the various periods of enrollment at your institution. Each period of enrollment should have a Financial Aid Year with a start date equal to the begin date for that enrollment period. For example, you could have Fall/Spring Financial Aid Year with two terms defined, one for Fall, and one for Spring. If you have an enrollment period beginning in Spring, a Spring/Summer Financial Aid Year may be appropriate. Students on a trimester schedule may need a different Financial Aid Year. Each Financial Aid Year also requires the length in months to be defined, as it is critical during the ISIR Import.

To Define Financial Aid Years:

  1. From the Financial Aid Yearly Setup window, highlight the appropriate academic year, then click the FA Year tab.
  2. Right-click on the Financial Aid Year data grid to add a new Financial Aid Year. The Financial Aid Detail window displays.
  3. Enter the appropriate Financial Aid Year designation, then select from the drop-down calendars or type the Starting Date and Ending Date for this period of enrollment. Enter the appropriate Length in Months. This information is critical to the ISIR Import process so that the EFC values and subsequent Cost of Attendance amounts are correct. More information about the ISIR Import process is available in the Financial Aid Processes document.
  4. Click Add to save this information, or Cancel to exit without saving.

Note: Financial Aid Years may only be deleted (highlight the appropriate year, and then click Delete) if they have NOT been used in a status record.

To Define Financial Aid Year Award Limits:

  1. From CAMS Enterprise Home page, click Financial Aid >Setup >Yearly Setup to open the Financial Aid Yearly Setup window. The Acad Year tab displays.
  2. Highlight the Academic Year, and then click the Financial Aid Year tab. Highlight Financial Aid Year. in the upper data grid, and then right-click in the Financial Aid Year Limits data grid. The Yearly Limits Detail window displays.
  3. Select the Award Type you wish to limit, and enter the Yearly Limit dollar amount the award is limited to within this Financial Aid Year. For example, the SEOG award may have an annual limit of $100,000. This will prevent over-awarding during the Priority Packaging process. The Total Awarded and Balance amounts will update automatically as awards are packaged.
  4. Click Add to save this information, or Cancel to exit without saving.

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