Financial Aid EDE ISIR Import

Note: EDE ISIR import will be discontinued after the 2010-2011 Academic Year. ISIR records will only be imported using the ISIR Direct Import functionality.

ISIR (Institutional Student Information Record) information can be entered manually, or by importing an electronic file from EDE (Electronic Data Exchange). The term ISIR refers to all processed student information records that are sent electronically directly to institutions by the CPS (Central Processing System).

Click here to see required minimal setup of the Financial Aid module. The import process locates the ISIR file (.txt format from EDE), which typically contains ISIRs from multiple students. CAMS uses the student's social security number to find ISIR matches. If the student's social security number is not entered into CAMS, you will not be able to import an ISIR for that person. Click here to access the current EDE SAR Layout.

To import EDE ISIR records:

  1. From CAMS Home page, click Tools >Import >Financial Aid >EDE ISIR to open the Financial Aid ISIR Import form.
  2. Click Browse to open the Choose File window.

Note: Be sure to locate the file by entering the appropriate UNC path or browse the Network to locate the file. If a file with ":" is selected, an error message displays. CAMS only accepts the file in .TXT format.

  1. Select the appropriate .TXT file and then click Open.
  2. Click Initiate. CAMS compares the social security numbers of the student records being imported to records in the CAMS database. Two sets of records display: Records that will be imported because the social security numbers match those of the students in CAMS, and records that will not be imported because social security numbers do not match.
  3. Click the Import tab to open the Import Records form.
  4. Select the Academic Year and the Financial Aid Year.
  5. You may define the Packaged as Load (Student Load glossary table), Direct Cost Type (FINAID Direct Costs glossary table), and Package Status (Packaged Status glossary table) for all students for whom a new Financial Aid Status record is being created during the import process. Students with existing Financial Aid Status records for the Academic Year and Financial Aid Year selected will not be effected by these selections. Students with existing Financial Aid Status records for the Academic Year selected but a different Financial Aid Year will have their records updated. A new status record will not be created in this case.
  6. If the current imported ISIR Record will be the Active record, check the Mark ISIR record as active checkbox.
  7. Check the Update Existing status records with ISIR data checkbox if you want to use the current imported ISIR Record to populate the Status record ISIR fields. The Mark ISIR record as active checkbox must also be checked in order for this to happen.
  8. Check the Reload budgets checkbox if you wish to have the status records updated with budget costs appropriate to the Budget Rules (optional).
  9. Click Import. If duplicate SSN’s are found the user is presented with a pop up indicating the duplicate numbers and import will not continue. Click Yes to save the results to a file. The file will be saved in the users export folder as defined in their CAMS user profile.
  10. Once records have been imported, a confirmation message displays. Status records can now be viewed by selecting the student accessing the Financial Aid Maintenance window. Select appropriate academic and financial aid years, then click the ISIR tab.

Note: To use this ISIR record in a FISAP report it must be marked as Active.

Click here to access current EDE Award Layout

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