Pre-Requisite Intelli-Formula Builder

The Intelli-Formula Builder features a list of courses available from the master course list. Use the Intelli-Formula Builder to create conditional pre-requisite statements. For example, Art History 301 may have a prerequisite of Art History 101 and one of the following courses: Art Theory 111, or Drawing 121, or Painting 131.

You may also add a single pre-requisite to a master course.

The formula is built using a series of logical operator input buttons (operators). These operators define relationships between the various courses and are defined below:

Note: To ensure the structure of the formula is valid, operators automatically toggle between enabled/disabled as the formula is built. Enabled operators appear darker than disabled operators.

The Pre-Requisite Formula text box shows the formula as it is being built using the operators. No keyboard entries may be made into this text box. All entries must be made by clicking on the appropriate operators.

To build a formula:

The following steps are based on this example: Art History 301 may have a prerequisite of Art History 101 and one of the following courses: Art Theory 111, or Drawing 121, or Painting 131.

  1. From the Registration >Master Courses window, highlight the course for which you want to create the pre-requisite formula, and then click the Pre-Requisites tab.
  2. Click the Formula button to access the Intelli-Formula Builder form.
  3. In the Build Course fields, first select the appropriate Department (Dept.), then (Course) ID, and then (Course) Type from the appropriate lists. In this example select ART (Dept.) then 101 (Course ID), and then LEC (Course Type).
  4. You may enter a GPA Min (Minimum) which must be met in order to count the pre-requisite as complete, or you may leave it blank and any grade recorded will count the pre-requisite as complete.
  5. Click AND, then click n Credits From [list]. A dialog box appears with a message asking the number of credits required from the list.
  6. Type the appropriate number of credits (in this example, 3 credits) then click OK.
  7. In this example select ART (Dept.) then 111 (Course ID), and then LEC (Course Type). Repeat for ART121 (Drawing 121) and ART131 (Painting 131).

Note: If the GPA Min is entered for N credits from list or N credits from range, it appears at the end of the list/range but applies to every course in the list/range.

  1. When all classes have been added, click n Credits From [list] to complete this step. The formula now reads as follows: ART101 AND 3 Credits From List [ART111, ART121, ART131]
  2. Click Update to save the pre-requisite formula to this master course. CAMS will check the pre-requisite formula when a student registers for courses.

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