Course Pre-Requisites

Course pre-requisites are set in the Master Courses window. All pre-requisite courses must first exist in Master Courses in order to link them to each other. Courses linked through this process will be checked for completion/enrollment at time of registration. You may add co-requisites from the Master Courses window by clicking the Co-Requisites tab.

The Intelli-Formula Builder features a list of courses available from the master course list. Use the Intelli-Formula Builder to create conditional pre-requisite statements. For example, Art History 301 may have a prerequisite of Art History 101 and one of the following courses: Art Theory 111, or Drawing 121, or Painting 131.

You may also add a single pre-requisite to a master course.

To add one Pre-requisite course:

  1. From the CAMS Enterprise Home page, click Registration >Master Courses.
  2. Highlight the course to which you will be assigning a pre-requisite and click Pre-Requisites Courses tab. The tab opens with the selected master course displayed.
  3. Click the Formula button to access the pre-requisite entry form.
  4. In the Build Course fields, first select the appropriate Department (Dept.), then (Course) ID, and then (Course) Type from the appropriate lists.
  5. You may enter a GPA Min (Minimum) which must be met in order to count the pre-requisite as complete, or you may leave it blank and any grade recorded will count the pre-requisite as complete.
  6. Click the Add button next to the Build Course fields to link the pre-requisite to the master course.
  7. Click Add to save the entry or Cancel to exit without saving.

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