Course Co-Requisites

Course co-requisites are set in the Master Courses window. All co-requisite courses must first exist in Master Courses in order to link them to each other. Courses linked through this process will be checked for completion/enrollment at time of registration. You may add pre-requisites from the Master Courses window by clicking the Pre-Requisites tab.

To add a co-requisite course:

  1. From the CAMS Enterprise Home page, click Registration >Master Courses.
  2. Highlight the course to which you will be assigning a co-requisite and click Co-Requisites Courses tab. The tab opens with the selected master course displayed.
  3. Right-click in the data grid to access the entry form.
  4. Use the search icon to access a listing of courses. CAMS searches the Master Course list so remember the co-requisite must exist within Master Courses.
  5. Double-click to select the course to be added as a co-requisite. The selected co-requisite course displays in the Co-requisites data grid.
  6. Click Add to save the entry or Cancel to exit without saving.

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