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Student Admissions Page 1
The first Admissions tab in this window holds basic student
information including name, social security number, and unlimited addresses.
If the student was previously a prospect in the CAMS system, much of this
information can simply be copied to the student record by means of the
Load from Prospect process.
Field Descriptions
- System ID
- Auto-incremented system ID used as primary key by application.
- Student ID
- Institutional value for all ID purposes; your value, if so desired,
or auto-incremented by CAMS.
- Expected Entrance
Term (Reference: Term Cal) - Expected entrance term for
the student. The Term selected here will be the Term used in the student's
first Status record which is automatically generated upon saving the
student record.
- Student Type
(Glossary: Student Type) - Supply whatever student type values your
institution supports. In order to retain historical information, once
a value other than blank has been selected, the Student Type cannot
be changed back to blank.
- Exp Cohort
(Reference: Cohort) - If non-traditional cohort student rather than
traditional term, supply cohort group. This is used for Admissions
only and does NOT populate the Cohort Group in Non-traditional Registration.
- Cancelled
- Logical field that permits the removal of a student from processing
and reporting areas while still keeping the record for future usage.
- Salutation/Names/Suffix/Preferred -
All names, titles, and suffixes by which the student is known.
- Social Security
# - Social Security Number.
Note: Your CAMS User login will have Full, Masked, or None as the SSN Visibility setting. Full access will be able to see the entire Social Security #. Masked will only be able to view the last four digits with the remaining displayed as X’s, and None cannot see any of the SSN digits; the entire SSN will display as X’s. With other than Full SSN Visibility the Social Security # field is read-only and cannot be edited.
- Maiden Name
- Student's surname prior to marriage.
- Show on Directory
- Determine whether or not the student is to be shown on the registrar
directory. If a value of No is chosen, an alert will display when
this student is selected warning that this individual has requested
to be excluded from directories. Selecting No will also prevent the Student's information from displaying on the Student Portal and Faculty Portal Directories but still allow the contact information to display in the My Students section of the Faculty Portal.
- Display Block Indicator - Place a check mark in the box next to Display Block Indicator to set the Directory Block Indicator (DBI) field in Tools >Export >Financial Aid >NSC Export to "Y". Leave this unchecked to set the NSC DBI field to "N". This field also controls the Tools >Export >Registration >Degree Verify FERPA Block field where checking the box places a "Y" in the export to indicate the student requested a block on their directory information or a "N" to indicate no block was requested.
- Admissions Counselor
(Reference: Recruiters) - Select admissions counselor.
- User Defined
- (Glossary: USER DEFINED FIELD) Discretionary field for your office.
- Mail Box # - Mail
Box number for on-campus purpose; can be related to housing issues.
- National ID -
This field displays if enabled in CAMS Configuration. Record the National
ID of the Student.
- Alternate ID Type
- (State Reports Lookup Glossary). This field displays if enabled
in CAMS Configuration. Select the type of Alternate ID recorded for
the Student such as Birth Certificate or Driver's License.
- Alternate ID
- This field displays if enabled in CAMS Configuration. It can be
used to record an Alternate ID for the Student.
- Privacy Block
- The Privacy Block Setting (PBS) is a reportable value that an institution can use to communicate to the Clearinghouse that a student’s enrollment and/or degree record is restricted from certain uses by the Clearinghouse due to the requirements of a state or federal data privacy law (or, even in some cases, the law of a foreign jurisdiction).
- 00 - (Default) A student has no Privacy Block Setting. This is utilized when the school has programmed for the Privacy Block Setting values and/or changes from a higher value to no block.
- 01 - Student detail blocked for any non-consented Personally Identifiable Information (PII) research purpose. Student data can be used in de-identified and aggregate reports as well as research reports with student consent.
- 02 - Student blocked from use in non-consented verifications.
- 03 - Student detail is blocked for any non-consented Personally Identifiable Information (PII) research purpose and blocked from use in non-consented verifications.
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