NSC Student Data

Before reporting NSC data you must ensure that each student’s data is correct and that initial preparation has been done.

Student Status

Ensure that each student’s record information is correct.

There are certain fields that CAMS Enterprise updates automatically and uses in determining some of the NSC information. You may run a Mass Update Status, Tools >Processes >Registration Module >Mass Update Status, which will ensure that each student (who is marked with a Classification value that has been set to update Student Status; see the Registration Setup document for College Level and Reg Classification setup details) has the correct student status record.

On the Student Status screen the College Level, Student Load, and Effective Date are used in determining NSC data. The Classification field is used to help automate and ensure that the College Level and Student Load are correct when a Mass Update Status is run. The Degree Seeking checkbox, if checked, will report to NSC via the CAMS NSC Export that this student is a degree seeking student.

Student Load is automatically determined when a student registers for or drops classes. If it is manually changed you may have incorrect data. If the student with a Classification value that has been set to update Student Status then when a Mass Update Status is run the field may revert back to its previous setting if that setting was correct according to CAMS Enterprise calculations. It is best to use the correct procedures when setting full-time amounts for programs and majors as discussed in the Registration Setup manual rather than trying to manually set the student load.

Student Programs

On the Student Program screen the Primary Program, and NSC Class/Cred (NSC Class/Credential Level glossary category) must be selected to determine NSC data. A student may have up to six program records reported. The program that is selected as the Primary Program will be reported as Program 1, with the remaining, if any, following.

When reporting the NSC Class/Cred of Bachelor’s as set in the Student Program, CAMS will use the NSC College Level (NSC College Level glossary category) defined in the College Level reference table to determine the value that is sent in the NSC export file.

Warning: The Effective Date is changed to the current date when a Mass Update Status is run and there is a change in the student load outside of the normal registration process, such as manually adding or dropping a course in the students Transcript Maintenance, which could give incorrect dates of a status change. It is recommended that you run Mass Update Status after such manual changes to Transcript Maintenance to ensure that the data is correct and has the correct Effective Date. If you manually change the Effective Date in Student Status it will be updated to today’s date after running Mass Update Status if the student load changes.

The additional fields that are reported in the NSC export are listed below. CAMS Enterprise does not report on every field that could be sent as some are not required.

Record Type – Always set to D1.

Student SSN – Admissions >Students >Change Student >Admin. 1 tab >Social Security #.

First Name – Admissions >Students >Admin. 1 tab >Change Student >First Name.

Middle Initial – Admissions >Students >Change Student >Admin. 1 tab >Middle.

Last Name – Admissions >Students >Change Student >Admin. 1 tab >Last.

Name Suffix – Comes from Admissions >Students >Change Student >Admin. 1 tab >Suffix.

Previous SSN – Not provided.

Prev. Last Name – Admissions >Students >Change Student >Admin. 1 tab >Maiden Name.

Enrollment Status – Registration >Academic >Status >Student Load, except where noted.

Status Start Date — Only provided for students whose load changes, and is derived from the Status Effective Date in the Student Status Record. Also, if a student record is marked Deceased and has a Status record for the term, the NSC report will display a “D” in this field.

Street Line 1 – Admissions >Students >Change Address >Address 1 from the selected Address T type used in reporting.

Street Line 2 – Admissions >Students >Change Address >Address 2 from the selected address type used in reporting.

City - Comes from Admissions >Students >Change Address >City from the selected address type used in reporting.

State – Comes from Admissions >Students >Change Address >State from the selected address type used in reporting.

Note: Student addresses entered using Address Category "Non-USA" will populate this field with "FO" in the export.

Zip – Comes from Admissions >Students >Change Address >ZipCode from the selected address type used in reporting.

Country – Admissions >Students >Change Address >Country from the selected Address Type used in reporting. If the Country drop-down is not selected in the Student's Address Type, this will default to US in the NSC Export.

Note: If the ISO Code is not populated for each Country (CAMS Manager >Lookup Table Options >Table Maintenance >Glossary Table tab >Country Codes) for the Address Type used in reporting, the NSC Export will default to US even if a different Country is used in the Student's Address Type.

Anticipated Graduation Date – Comes from Registration >Academic >Degrees >Anticipated Grad. Date.

Birth Date – Comes from Admissions >Students >Change Student >Demographics tab >Date of Birth.

Term Begin Date – Comes from CAMS Manager >Lookup Table Options >Table Maintenance >Reference Tables tab >Term Calendar table >TermStartDate

Term End Date – Comes from CAMS Manager >Lookup Table Options >Table Maintenance >Reference Tables tab >Term Calendar table >TermEndDate

Directory Block Indicator – Comes from Admissions >Students >Change Student >Admin. 1 tab >Display Block Indicator check box. Checking that box will place a "Y" in the DBI field of the NSC export. Leaving it unchecked will place an "N" in the DBI field.

CIP – (NCES CIP Code for Major 1) Comes from CAMS Manager >Lookup Table Options >Reference Tables tab >Major/Minor table >CIP Code.

2nd CIP – (NCES CIP Code for Major 2) Comes from CAMS Manager >Lookup Table Options >Reference Tables tab >Major/Minor table >CIP Code. (If the student has another major that is different than the first it will be listed.)

Major – Comes from CAMS Manager >Lookup Table Options >Reference Tables tab >Major/Minor table >Major/Minor Name.

2nd Major – Comes from CAMS Manager >Lookup Table Options >Reference Tables tab >Major/Minor table >Major/Minor Name. (If the student has another major that is different than the first it will be listed.)

Class/Credential - Registration >Academic >Status >Student Program >NSC Class/Cred. CAMS automatically calculates the value when the export is run based on values in the NSC Class/Credential Level glossary category for the NSC Class/Cred set in the students Program record.

First Time Full Time – four requirements that must be met to make this field register a Y in the export file.

Degree Seeking – Registration >Academic >Status >Degree Seeking checkbox.

High School Code – Admissions >Students >Change Student >H.S. tab >HS Code.

Gender – Admissions >Students >Change Student >Demographic tab >Gender.

Race/Ethnicity – Admissions >Students >Change Student >More tab >Ethnicity button >Ethnicity and the Ethnic Origins Mappings that is defined on the NSC criteria page.

College Student ID – Comes from Admissions >Students >Change Student >Admin. 1 tab >Student ID.

State Student ID – Not provided.

Email – Admissions >Students >Change Address >Email 1, 2 or 3, whichever is not blank, from the selected address type used in reporting.

Good Student – Derived by calculating the term GPA of the student and when the term GPA is greater than or equal to 3.0.

Middle Name – Admissions >Students >Change Student >Admin. 1 tab >Middle.

Program Indicator – Registration >Academic >Status >Student Programs for Term. One entry must be marked as Primary Program.

Program CIP Code – CAMS Manager >Lookup Table Options >Reference Tables tab >Major/Minor table >CIP Code. Obtained for the Major set for the Programs entered in the Student Programs for Term in Student Status. The Primary Program is the Program 1 CIP Code; up to five additional Programs entered will be reported.

CIP Year – Year in which the CIP used by NSC was published. The CIP Year for the codes currently used by NSC is 2020. This is hard-coded in CAMS.

Program Credential Level – Student Status >Student Programs for Term entries >NSC Class/Cred. The credential level for up to six Programs will be reported. When the NSC Export is run, CAMS will map the selection on the Student Status Program record to the Program Credential Level numerical value as defined by the National Student Clearinghouse Enrollment Reporting Programming and Testing Guide.

Value Program Credential Level NSC Class/Cred Entry
01 Undergraduate Certificate or Diploma program Certificate
02 Associate’s Degree Associate’s
03 Bachelor’s Degree Bachelor’s
04 Post Baccalaureate Certificate Post Baccalaureate Certificate
05 Master’s Degree Master’s
06 Doctoral Degree Doctoral
07 First Professional Degree Professional
08 Graduate/Professional Certificate Unspecified Grad
99 Non-Credential and Preparatory Coursework Programs as set in the Major/Minor Reference table N/A

Published Program Length – CAMS Manager >Lookup Table Options >Table Maintenance >Reference Tables tab >Major/Minor table >Program Length. Up to six Programs will be reported.

Published Program Length Measurement – CAMS Manager >Lookup Table Options >Table Maintenance >Reference Tables tab >Major/Minor table >Program Length Type. Up to six Programs will be reported.

Weeks in Title IV Academic Year – CAMS Manager >Lookup Table Options >Table Maintenance >Reference Tables tab >Major/Minor table >Program Length and Type. Only reported when Published Program Length Measurement is W or M. The number of weeks is pulled from Financial Aid >Setup >Yearly Setup for the Academic Year selected on the NSC Export Criteria tab. Up to six Programs will be reported.

Program Begin Date – Defaults to the Term Calendar Reference table >Term Start Date for the first Term that the Program exists on the Student Status record. Up to six Programs will be reported. If the Program Start Date field in Student Status >Student Programs for Term is populated, the date entered there will be used for the Program Begin Date in the NSC Export. Each Program may have a different date set in the Student Status record.

Special Program Indicator – CAMS Manager >Lookup Table Options >Table Maintenance >Reference Tables tab >Major/Minor table >Special Program. The values here are obtained from the Special Programs Reference table. Up to six Programs will be reported.

Program Enrollment Status – If the Program Load field is left blank in Student Status >Student Programs for Term >Program Load, the Student Load in the Student Status record will be used. If utilizing the Program Load field in Student Programs for Term, ensure that the Primary Program Effective Date field is also populated in Student Status >Student Programs for Term. Up to six Programs will be reported.

Program Enrollment Status Effective Date – If Effective Date field is left blank in Student Status >Student Programs for Term >Effective Date, the Effective Date in the Student Status record will be used. If the Effective Date in the Student Status record is earlier than the Program Begin Date, then the Term Calendar Term Start Date will be used. Up to six Programs will be reported.

Note: You will ONLY need to populate the Student Programs for Term >Program Load and Effective Date IF it should be different than the Student Status >Student Load and Effective Date for that particular Student's Program.

In order to report to NSC accurately, if any change in CAMS changes the Student Status Effective Date, such as dropping a student from Full Time to Three Quarter Time, you will need to manually change any Student Program for Term Effective Date (where the Effective Date has already been manually populated).

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