Student Colleges

The Student Colleges form relates a student to a college for whatever purpose the institution desires (transferred from, transferred to, etc.). As part of the college/student relationship, CAMS offers the ability to define credits transferred and earned as well as grade point average.

To add a new college:

  1. Click the College button in the "More" tab of the Student Admissions Information window.
  2. Click the Colleges button then right-click in the Colleges data grid. The Find Colleges search form will open.
  3. Enter criteria to narrow the college listing from which you will make your selection.
  4. Click Find. (Use Reset to clear your criteria and Cancel to leave the screen unchanged.)
  5. Double-click the college you wish to add to the student's record.
  6. Supply definitions; see the field descriptions for assistance.
  7. Click Add to save the entry or Cancel to exit without saving.

To edit an existing college record:

  1. Open the college entry form by double-clicking on the record to be changed.
  2. Enter/Edit data as appropriate.
  3. Click Update to save changes or Cancel to exit without saving changes.

Field Descriptions

College Name - Name of the linked college; input through the Admissions >Lookups >College Names form.

College Code - College Code as applied to each entity in College Names Lookup.

College Type - (Glossary: College Type) Type of college as recorded by your institution.

Start Date/End Date - Dates on which the student began and ended attendance at the specified school.

Credits Transferred - Number of credits that are allowed for transfer purpose from the specified school.

Credits Earned - Number of credits earned at the specified school.

GPA/Of - Grade point average and range.

Semester Type - Periods used at the specified school, Semester or Quarter.

Status - (Glossary: College Status) Students status at the specified school.

Degree - Any degree earned (or worked toward if your institution so elects to record) from specified school.

Comments - Free field for explanations and specifics.

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