Prospect/Student Import

Files from any supplier of Prospect/Student data can be used, however the data MUST be in the correct Import Layout to be imported into CAMS. Validation Rules will also be applied during the import process. When the data is ready to be imported, you must first create an Import Job before defining the Prospect/Student Import Parameters.

Note: Because the import process can be lengthy and locks the Admissions Module while processing, it is strongly recommended that this data be imported during off-peak hours when users are not in CAMS Enterprise.  

To define Prospect/Student Import Parameters:

  1. Click Tools >Import >Admissions >Prospect/Student Import. The Prospect/Student Import window opens.
  2. Select the appropriate Import Job, required. The Import Job is created in the Prospect/Student Import Job window.

Note: Once a job has been completed it will no longer display in the Import Job field. If using an import job generated by ISIR records, be sure the import process in ISIR Direct is completed before proceeding.

  1. Select the High School Code Type and College Code Type that is assigned to High Schools and Colleges in your system.

Note: High School Code Types and College Code Types must be assigned to Admissions >Lookups >High School (and College Names) in order for CAMS to import the test, high school, and college information from the import file.

  1. Determine the Matched Record Behavior (If a match is found):

Click here to learn how matches are determined.

  1. Determine the Unmatched Record Behavior (If a match is NOT found):
  1. Click Next to initiate the import process. CAMS opens the New Records window. These are individuals who do not have an existing record in CAMS. If there are no records in the data grid, then all records in the data set already exist in CAMS. Records default to be imported, but you can either click Select/Deselect All, or click the Import check box to individually select/deselect records to import.

Note: If the data is not in the correct format, or if the data cannot be properly validated, or if there are duplicate records in the data set, CAMS displays a message stating why the import cannot continue.

  1. The New Records window opens if there are no errors. These are individuals who do not have an existing record in CAMS. If there are no records in the data imported, you can either click Select/Deselect All, or click the Import check box to individually select/deselect records to import.
  2. Click Next on the New Records window to continue to the Exact Matched Records window. These are individuals who have records that exactly match the import data set. If there are no records in the data grid, then no records in the data set have an exact match. Records default to be imported, but you can either click Select/Deselect All, or click the Import check box to individually select/deselect records to import. Imported records will only be updated based on the Matched Record Behavior defined in the Prospect/Student Import Parameters.
  3. Click Next on the Exact Matched Records window to continue to the PartialExact Matched Records window. These are individuals who have records that have a partial exact match to the import data set. If there are no records in the data grid, then no records in the data set have a partial exact match. Records default to be imported, but you can either click Select/Deselect All, or click the Import check box to individually select/deselect records to import. Imported records will only be updated based on the Matched Record Behavior defined in the Prospect/Student Import Parameters.
  4. Click Next on the Partial Exact Matched Records window to continue to the Fuzzy Matched Records window. These are individuals who have records that are a fuzzy match in the import data set. If there are no records in the data grid, then no records in the data set have a fuzzy match. Records default to be imported, but you can either click Select/Deselect All, or click the Import check box to individually select/deselect records to import. Imported records will only be updated based on the Matched Record Behavior defined in the Prospect/Student Import Parameters.
  5. Click Next on the Fuzzy Matched Records window to continue to the Stored Procedures window. If your institution has created stored procedures to be applied, define those here.  If not, click Next to continue to the Review and Process window.

Note: There are 2 parameters that are required if you want to run a stored proc during the import process(either before or after), @UserName and @JobID --- in that order. @UserName is varchar(15) and @JobID is int. Knowing @JobID you will be able to do anything that you need to do.

If you are attempting to do something with an "after" stored proc, here is more info that will be helpful. The 2 tables you are interested in are CAMSImportGeneric and CAMSImportGenericMatch. CAMSImportGeneric.JobID is the JobID that will be passed as the parameter. CAMSImportGeneric and CAMSImportGenericMatch are linked by the column CAMSImportGenericUID.

If CAMSImportGenericMatch.Import = 1, then that row was selected for import. If it is = 0 then this record was skipped during the import. CAMSImportGenericMatch.SelectedRecordType will either be 'Prospect' or 'Student' - this will obviously tell you if the the record created/updated a student or prospect record.

CAMSImportGenericMatch.SelectedUID will either be ProspectID or StudentUID depending on CAMSImportGenericMatch.SelectedRecordType.

CAMSImportGenericMatch.SelectedUpdateType will either be 'Existing' or 'New'. If the value is 'Existing' it updated a prospect or student, if it is 'New' it created a prospect or student record.

  1. Review all records to be imported, and if satisfied with the data, click Finish to complete the Prospect/Student Import process. The Messages window displays with an Import Is Complete confirmation. Aside from the confirmation message, the Messages window is reserved for future functionality.
  2. The Messages window displays with an Import Is Complete confirmation. An example message may be that the SSN already existed in CAMS so this Prospect or Student was imported without an SSN if the user elected to import the Prospect or Student as is.
  3. Click Email to send new Prospects or Students (not Fuzzy or Exact matches) can be emailed with the message of your choice. Portal Login User and Password can be included in the email by highlighting them from the special fields section then right-click and choose paste to insert the field into the message.

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