Letter Sequences

As part of the Communications Management functions within CAMS, groups of activities can be created so that multiple activities can be added to a student record simultaneously. The process of setting up letter sequences, or groups of activities, begins by creating groups (as many as needed) and then assigning all activities applicable to that group. The process of creating letter sequences consists of creating Groups and then adding activities to that group. Once your groups of activities have been established, they can be added to Prospect or Student records in the perspective Activities form. See Contact Management for more detail.

To create a new group:

  1. Access the Letter Sequences window, Admissions >Lookups >Letter Sequences.
  2. Click Group Name tab.
  3. Right-click in the Letter Sequence Groups data grid to add a new group, or double-click a group name to edit an existing group.
  4. Enter the Display Text. This is the value that will appear in the group selection drop down list when adding a group of activities to a prospect’s record.
  5. Enter Group Description that further identifies this group.
  6. Select the Doc Organization Unit (DocOrgUnit Glossary table).  If you are creating a group of activities for students, select the Student Doc Organizational Unit. If you are creating a group of activities for prospects, select the Prospect Doc Organizational Unit.  Note that the DocOrgUnit Glossary table values are supplied by Unit4 Education Solutions and should not be changed or removed.
  7. Click Add to save the new entry (Update to save changes), or Cancel to exit without saving.

Use the Verify feature to have CAMS check that only student activities fall into a student activity group and that only prospect activities fall into the prospect activity group.  

To verify letter sequence group activities:

  1. Highlight the group to verify and then click Verify.  CAMS compares the Doc Organizational Unit assigned to each activity within the group, and then displays a message noting whether the group is set up correctly or not.  
  2. If not, you will want to review the activities within the group to locate an incorrectly assigned activity and remove or replace it.  

To create letter sequences (or groups of activities):

  1. Access the Letter Sequences window, Admissions >Lookups >Letter Sequences.
  2. Highlight a group name and click Sequence tab.
  3. Right-click in the sequence data grid to access a blank detail entry form or double-click on a record in the grid to modify an existing entry.
  4. Select appropriate activity from the Activity drop-down list (Activity Lookups reference table).
  5. Days Between: Enter number of days from the start date that activity is due.
  6. Select Activity Type:  To-do, Export, or Email.
    1. If Export is your selected option, you will need to enter the Document Name (Document Ref reference table) for which the exported data is to be used.
    2. If Email is selected, a drop-down list will appear asking for the appropriate Email Template. See Correspondence Email Setup for details on setting up this email feature.
  7. Click Add to save entry or Cancel to exit without saving.
  8. Continue these steps for each activity that is to be added to the group.
  9. If you make changes to an activity sequence, you have the option to apply these changes to all prospects/students who are already assigned the activity sequence.  Select Yes to apply changes to existing sequences, or leave the default of No to apply the sequence only to those individuals assigned from this point forward.
  10. Select the date on which the New activities will be due.

Note: Changes are applied to Prospects/Students with the corresponding Sequence ID as follows:

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