Create Billing Transactions

Billing transactions can be created in a Billing Batch or directly in the Student Billing Ledger. Unit4 Education Solutions recommends creating transactions in the billing batch because it provides you with the opportunity to proof and edit or delete data before being distributed to the student ledger. Once transactions reside on the student ledger, they can only be voided, not deleted.

To add a new transaction through a billing batch:

  1. From the CAMS Enterprise Home page, click Billing >Batch, highlight the appropriate batch and click the Students tab.
  2. Right-click in the data grid to open a blank transaction entry form.
  3. Enter the following required information:
  1. Supply the following information as your institution requires:

  1. Click the Receipt button to display a drop-down where you may select a report to print immediate receipts. This process will also place the next sequential number automatically in the Reference No. field (if that field is left blank during creation of transaction). Use the Summary button to print a student's term summary report.
  2. The Payment button can be used to process credit card or ACH payments. This functionality works in conjunction with the Online Payment Provider that is set up in Portal Configuration. This button will be disabled if your institution does not use an Online Payment Provider or if the Online Payment Provider uses page redirection to process payments. The batch transaction must be a credit transaction in order to process payments. Click the Payment button to open the Payment Parameters detail window.
  3. Choose one of the following options:

Note: Current Payment Providers that may be used in Billing Batch: PayPal Payflow Pro®, Higher One®, and Transaction Central®.

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