CAMS Configuration Billing Options

Billing configurations include the population of Tax ID, Statement Address Default, General Ledger Choices, Initial Receipt Value, and Refund Options.

College Tax ID Number - This number is the institution's federal identification number which is used for all tax purposes, including the 1098-T tuition payment statements.

Default Billing Address To - Default Billing Address is used when checking/creating new student address records. By default, the Billing address is created based upon the existing Home address unless the Default Billing Address is set to the Local address. If the Default Billing Address is set to the Local address type, a current active local address exists, is active and no previous active Billing address exists, the new Billing address record is created based upon the Local address information.

This legacy field is from previous CAMS versions where only Home, Local, and Billing address types were used therefore limiting the choices to these three types.

GL Output Type - Select the general ledger software your institution uses from the list provided by Unit4 Education Solutions. If the software is not listed, please contact Unit4 Education Solutions.

GL Output File Name and GL Output Path - The file name and output path field are hard-coded specific to each institution by Unit4 Education Solutions during installation of CAMS Enterprise on the institution's site. The GL and AP posting code is dynamic for each database on the CAMS Enterprise server, so that if the institution has multiple databases, each database can have a separate posting folder.

Note: Posting more than once a day to each folder will overwrite any existing file of the same name each time you post. However, during the posting process CAMS creates a backup of the posting stored in the same folder as the workcams.txt (post to General Ledger) or workcamsap.txt (post to Accounts Payable) files. The backup file is named using the posting year, month, date, and letter and will not be overwritten.

Next Billing Receipt Ref# - Next number to be used for incremental numbering of billing receipts.

Refund Options - Set default refund policies for the five registration options shown here (Flat rate tuition, Hourly rate tuition, Lab, Incidental, and Insurance fees). If you set an item to "Prorated," CAMS will route any registration charge changes through Standard Refund Setup or Daily Refund Setup. A value of "None" will make refunds inoperative for that tuition category.

Always Overwrite TransDoc Description - If this option is selected, then the Description value set in the TransDoc Reference table will be used as the display value in student statements. Descriptions can be modified in Transaction Entry Detail but will only be displayed if this option is unchecked. If the TransDoc is changed for a given transaction, the description field will be overwritten with the Description value set in Transdoc if this option is checked.

Disable Manual Entry of Batch Receipt # - When checked, users cannot type in the Reference # field or add a reference number using the icon in a billing batch transaction. Users will not see the icon for adding the next sequential reference number if this option is checked. The only way to generate a reference number is to click the Receipt button. Users will still be able to save the transaction without a receipt number by clicking the Save/Add button or the Add button. If a transaction with a receipt number is deleted from the billing batch, CAMS records the receipt number in the Comment column of the SQL table UserAudit.

Void Batch Receipts on Delete - When transactions are deleted from the Billing Batch, whether individually or as part of a whole deleted batch, those transactions can still be tracked on the students’ billing ledger for audit purposes, if necessary. If the transaction had a reference (receipt) number, some auditors want to track every receipt. If a receipted transaction is deleted from the batch then by default it is placed on the associated student’s ledger as a voided transaction. This allows the auditor to run a report and get a list of every receipt and its status. This feature can be turned off from the CAMS Manager >Configuration >Billing tab >Void Batch Receipts on Delete checkbox field. If it is checked then CAMS Enterprise will track deleted receipted transactions. If it is unchecked those transactions will not be checked and will not be referenced anywhere in CAMS Enterprise.

Enable Bank Interface - When checked, the Direct Deposit buttons and functionality, Post Direct Dep (Post Direct Deposit) and Direct Dep Resp (Direct Deposit Response) in Billing >Batch and the Direct Deposit Refund Transdoc drop-down is enabled in Tools >Processes >Billing Module >Billing Processes >Refunds tab. See the Billing document for step-by-step instructions on Direct Deposit.

Refund Payment Method(s) - Active while Enable Bank Interface is checked. Multiple options can be selected by holding the CTRL key:

Note: Direct Deposit and the Enable Bank Interface functionality works directly with Herring Bank. You must first contact Unit4 Education Solutions, Inc. and then your bank in order to have everything configured correctly on your site prior to enabling the Bank Interface.

Restrict Billing Batch By Access Campus - Checking this will limit, by the users' Access Campus as set in the User Profile, the available batches users can view in the Billing Batches data grid. System batches (e.g. Registration) are associated with the MAIN campus by default and will not be visible to users associated with any other Access Campus (unless they are a Super User) if this option is checked.

Restrict Transdoc Entry By Access Campus - Checking this will limit, by the users’ Access Campus as set in the User Profile, the available TransDocs users can select in drop-downs or combo box selections. Each TransDoc can be set to any one Access Campus or all Access Campuses. TransDocs with Access Campus set to “All” will be available to all users regardless of their Access Campus.

Globally Disable Modifications to Billing Batch Transactions - Globally disables any modification of any Billing Batch Transactions for all users including transactions created by the user. Enabling this will add a configuration option to each user profile in User Administration which will allow overriding of this global setting for individual users; this overriding option will be checked (enabled) by default for all users existing in CAMS at the time the field is added. This configuration option overrides all other Billing Batch security with the exception of menu item level security (Add, Print, Input, Delete, and Distribute).

Globally Disable the Ability to Delete Billing Batch Transactions - Globally disables the ability to delete Billing Batch transactions for all users including transactions created by the user. Enabling this will add a configuration option to each user profile in User Administration which will allow overriding of this global setting for individual users; this overriding option will be checked (enabled) by default for all users existing in CAMS at the time the field is added. This configuration option overrides all other Billing Batch security with the exception of menu item level security (Add, Print, Input, Delete, and Distribute).

Disable All Ledger Edits - Disables all modifications to existing transactions in the Student and Non-Student Ledgers. Transactions may still be added or voided.

Disable Billing Batch Receipt Edits - Disables all modifications to existing Billing Batch transactions with a populated Reference # value.

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