County Setup

The County Setup is a two tabbed control that can be used to create a list of counties to be selectable during Location Setup.

A County Code can be associated to one or more Counties. County Codes are made up of County Code Types.

First setup any necessary "County Code Types":

  1. From the CAMS Enterprise Home page, click CAMS Manager > Lookup Table Options > Location Lookup > County Setup > County Code Types.
  2. Right-click the grid to create a new county code type or double-click an existing entry to edit.
  3. Once you have finished configuring all County Code Types , continue to setting up Counties...

To set up Counties:

  1. From the CAMS Enterprise Home page, click CAMS Manager > Lookup Table Options > Location Lookup > County Setup.
  2. Enter desired search criteria, or leave the search fields blank to view all, then click Find. The Counties grid populates with any existing entries.
  3. Right-click a row in the grid to create a new County or double-click an existing entry to edit.
  4. Enter the required County and any other criteria you wish to record for this County record.
  5. Click Add or Update to save or Cancel to exit without saving.

To associate County Codes to Counties:

  1. Select the County you wish to work with in the Counties grid.
  2. Right-click a row in the County Codes grid to create a new County Code or double-click an existing entry to edit.
  3. Select a County Code type and enter a Code name for this County Code record.
  4. Click Add or Update to save or Cancel to exit without saving.