Development Activity Lookup

In order to create an activity sequence, you must first enter the activities into the Development Activity Lookup window.  These activities function as the base of your contact management with constituents.  

To enter Development Activities:

  1. Open the Development Activity Lookup window, click Development >Setup >Activity Lookup.
  2. Right-click in the data grid to access the Development Activity Entry window.
  3. Select Activity Type:  To-do, Export, or Email.
  4. Enter a description for the activity.
  5. If Export is selected, you will need to enter the Document Name (FundDocument Ref reference table) for which the exported data is to be used.  If there is a Crystal report associated with the export, then you will need to enter the Crystal Report Name.  If Email is selected, a drop-down list will appear asking for the appropriate Email Template. See Correspondence Email Setup for details on setting up this email feature.
  6. Click Add to save entry or Cancel to exit without saving.

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