Financial Aid Document Tracking Auto Load

Document Tracking documents can be automatically loaded for students during the ISIR Direct Import process based on any ISIR field names and values. Any number of documents can be added and are linked to the Academic Year set in the Document Tracking Auto Load. In addition, an advanced query option is available by clicking the Use SQL checkbox on the ISIR Standard record, so that conditions may be added to the document tracking import. Documents will only be loaded once for each student and will not be loaded again upon subsequent ISIR imports.

The EDE ISIR import functionality requiring use of custom ISIR fields to load documents will not be supported after the 2010-2011 Academic Year, and therefore those instructions are available through the Online Help only.

To Setup Document Tracking Auto Load:

  1. From the CAMS Enterprise Home page, click Tools >Import >Financial Aid >Doctrack AutoLoad. The Doc Track Autoload on ISIR Import window opens. Click the Auto Load Standard tab.
  2. Select the Academic Year from the drop-down and click Find to display any ISIR fields and documents that already exist for this Academic Year. You must click Find before adding ISIR fields and Document Tracking items.
  3. Right-click in the Codes in Standard ISIR Records data grid to add a new ISIR Field or double-click an existing entry to modify. The Code in ISIR detail window opens.
  4. Select the ISIR Field from the drop-down list.

Note: In the 2014-2015 Award Year some ISIR field labels have been revised to match gender-neutral terms used on the FAFSA. The ISIR Field drop-down in CAMS retains the original label names which have been mapped to the new labels on the ISIR import file. Click here for a list of that mapping.

  1. Enter the Code Present in Field. For example, the ISIR Field could be CommentCode and the Code Present in Field could be 110.
  2. Click Add (or Update) to save or Cancel to exit without saving.
  3. In the Codes in ISIR Records grid, highlight the ISIR Field to which you want to add Document Tracking documents and then right-click in the Documents to Load data grid to add a new document or double-click an existing entry to modify. The Document Tracking Load detail window opens.
  4. Select the document from the Document Name drop-down list (required).
  5. Leave the Document Date field blank for the document to reflect the date that the ISIR is imported. Populate the document date if the document should appear to have been loaded on a date other than the current date.
  6. Enter the Document Description associated with this document.
  7. Set the appropriate Document Status. If desired, set the User Defined field, enter Reference or Comments. These fields apply to all students to which the document is applied.
  8. The Location (required) automatically defaults to the Financial Aid module, but may be changed if the document should be located in a different module.
  9. Check the Internal checkbox if the document is for internal reference only. Students will not see internal documents on the Student Portal.
  10. Click Add (or Update) to save or Cancel to exit without saving.

SQL Advanced Matching

AutoLoad Document Tracking offers SQL Advanced Matching for associating conditions with one or more ISIR fields. For example, if a student has been selected for Verification and has a Dependent Status of Dependent, it may be appropriate to associate a Verification Worksheet document, a Parent Tax Return document, and a Student Tax Return document. Some knowledge of SQL programming code will be helpful.

To Set up Advanced SQL Matching

  1. From the CAMS Enterprise Home page, click Tools >Import >Financial Aid >Doctrack AutoLoad. The Doc Track Autoload on ISIR Import window opens. Click the Auto Load Standard tab.
  2. Select the Academic Year from the drop-down and click Find to display any ISIR fields and documents that already exist for this Academic Year. You must click Find before adding ISIR fields and Document Tracking items.
  3. Right-click in the Codes in Standard ISIR Records data grid to add a new ISIR Field or double-click an existing entry to modify. The Code in ISIR detail window opens.
  4. Select the ISIR Field from the drop-down list, for example, Verification Code.
  5. Enter the Code Present in Field, for example Y.
  6. Click the Use SQL checkbox to open the Advanced Matching detail window.
  7. The SQL Where Clause must contain the exact column name in the FinancialISAR database table. Correct SQL syntax must be used, or the query will not be saved. Enter the SQL Where Clause and then click Test. If the correct SQL syntax has been used, a list of query results will display. If not, a message displays indicating that incorrect syntax has been used.
  8. Click Return to go back to the previous window, and then click Add or Update to save the query, or Cancel to exit without saving.

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