ISIR Direct Import

Before ISIR records can be imported into CAMS, they must be extracted from EDconnect and saved in .txt format in a location readable from a shared location on the CAMS SQL Server. The user saving these records must have Modify permissions to the folder. In addition, the CAMS Enterprise >Import >COD folder on the CAMS IIS Server must ensure that IUSR_MachineName has Modify permissions to that folder. The import also populates a Fin Lifetime database table, which is used during Prioritized Packaging to prevent exceeding a student’s lifetime maximum award.

Direct ISIR Import  

  1. From the CAMS Enterprise Home page, click Tools >Import >Financial Aid >ISIR Direct to open the ISIR Direct Import window. Click Browse to open the Choose File window.
  2. Select the appropriate .TXT file and click Open.
  3. You can print a report of all previously imported ISIR file names for any Academic Year by first selecting the Academic Year, then click Previous Imported Files. A report displays listing all ISIR files imported for the selected Academic Year, listed by Financial Aid Year and ordered by file name. In addition, on the Financial Aid Maintenance ISIR tab highlighting any ISIR record in the grid will display below the grid the ISIR import file where the record originated.
  4. A grid displays which allows the user to enter in one or more FICE Codes. These codes are then compared to the ISIR record to determine and import the student’s housing status. To enter the institution’s FICE Code(s), right click in this grid and enter the College Name and School ID. Click the Add button to save. Codes may be deleted by left clicking on the record and hitting Delete and can be modified by double-clicking an entry in the grid. College FICE Codes are then retained for all ISIR imports.
  5. Once any College FICE Code(s) have been identified and entered, select the EDE Year Indicator (System field that cannot be altered), Academic Year, and Financial Aid Year. The EDE Year Indicator must match the Academic Year designation on the ISIR import file or no results will populate. This is to prevent the data from being applied to the wrong year.
  6. As ISIR records may contain records for students that fall within different Financial Aid Years in an Academic Year, ISIR Batch Job queries can be written in Financial Aid >Packaging >Prioritized >Package Criteria to identify students whose ISIR record should be applied to a specific Financial Aid Year within an Academic Year. During the ISIR import, any students ISIR record in the import file that meet the criteria in the query will be attached to that Financial Aid Year.
  7. Upon selecting the Academic Year, any Batch Job queries assigned to that Academic Year will appear in the Batch Assign Financial Aid Years grid. Note the following regarding Batch Job queries:
  1. Click Parse Document to begin the import. This process breaks down each line of the ISIR into the respective field according the ISIR Layout (see Tools >Import >Financial Aid >ISIR Custom Setup). Any records that include an SSN that matches an existing record in CAMS will display in the upper grid. Any existing ISIR records that are locked (see Financial Aid >Maintenance >ISIR tab) will display in the lower grid.
  2. CAMS compares the social security numbers of the student records being imported to records in the CAMS database. All records are imported with this process regardless of an SSN match. Those with no match are placed into holding tables. Upon a student being added to CAMS Enterprise with an SSN that matches a record in this table, the ISIR data, custom ISIR data, and any auto-loaded document tracking items will be applied to that student record.
  3. At this point, reconciliation of any existing records should take place. Records showing only in the top grid alert the user that the ISIR being imported is for an existing student. If an ISIR has already been imported for that student and that ISIR has been marked Locked, the record will be displayed in the lower grid as well. Click the Compare button to view Locked records to determine which ISIR should be marked Active.
  4. For records shown in the bottom grid, once it has been determined which record will be active, that record needs to be marked Active. If the existing record is chosen, then the newly imported ISIR record will be marked inactive. Clicking the Active box in the upper grid will result in the new ISIR being marked as active. If the existing record is locked you must uncheck the Locked check box in the lower grid in order to import a new ISIR record

Note: If both the record in the upper and lower grids have the Active flag checked, the import process will not complete until one or the other is unchecked. Only one ISIR record may be marked as Active per Academic and Financial Aid Year.

  1. Choose Set All Active to mark all the ISIRs as the active record; choose Set All Inactive to uncheck this box. Also, these may be checked on a record by record basis by checking or unchecking the box.

Note: Selecting Set All Active will mark all corresponding locked records in the bottom grid as inactive and unlocked. The imported ISIR record from the top grid will be the active record after the import.

  1. The Holding tab displays those records with an SSN that does not match any found in CAMS. These records are imported into a holding table, where they will remain until a student record is added with an SSN that matches. Upon a student being added to CAMS Enterprise with an SSN that matches a record in this table, the ISIR data, custom ISIR data, and any auto-loaded document tracking items will be applied to that student record.
  2. From the Holding tab, there are several reports which can be printed. These include an Exception Report, a Labels Report, and a customizable Application Letter Report. Choosing the applicable report and clicking Print will generate this.
  3. Choose Set All Active to mark all the ISIRs as the active record for the holding records; choose Set All Inactive to uncheck this box. Also, these may be checked on a record by record basis by checking or unchecking the box in the grid.
  4. A Prospect/Student Import may be created to generate a new Prospect record for the unmatched ISIRs. After entering a job name for the import, click Add to Batch to create the import. A popup stating “Transfer Successful” will display when the file is ready to be imported (See Tools >Import >Admissions >Prospect/Student Import). When a student record is added, either by importing Prospects then loading to Student, importing Students, or manually adding a student, records in the ISIR holding table with matching Social Security numbers will be imported to the student’s Financial Aid Maintenance record. If a student record already exists but with no SSN or an incorrect SSN, updating the SSN in the student record will import any matching ISIR records from the ISIR holding table.

Note: Be sure to complete the ISIR import process before moving on to the Prospect/Student Generic Import.

  1. The Import tab completes this process. A Financial Aid Status record will be created for any records that do not already have one. Package as Load and Package Status control what that Financial Aid Status record will display and can be set for newly created status records only. Check Update Existing Status Records with ISIR Data to update any existing Financial Aid Status records information contained in the ISIR file (for imported ISIR records marked Active). Check Import All Duplicate Transactions if you are re-importing an ISIR file and wish to import the records again. An example would be re-importing an ISIR file to import active records that were not checked to import as active in the previous import. Selecting this check box will import all duplicates for existing student records and any that may exist in the ISIR holding table.
  2. Click Import to complete the process. A message stating “Import Successful” will display when the process is finished.

Note: It is very important to check Update Existing Status Records with ISIR Data if you are using Prioritized Packaging in order to ensure accurate packaging.

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