Prospect High School / Test Scores

The Prospect H.S./Scores form records data concerning high school(s) and various testing information such as ACT, SAT, Praxis, etc. This information can be transferred automatically to the student admission form through Load From Prospect. Access the Prospect Scores form by clicking Admissions >Prospects >Change Prospect >H.S./Scores tab.

You can enter the high school related information on this tab. Additionally, you can enter in test scores for ACT, SAT, TOEFL, etc. and for custom institution specific entrance tests.

High Schools - Multiple high schools may be entered. Where multiple high schools exist for a prospect, the high school records are prioritized for CAMS reports using the following logic:

To enter the prospect’s high school right-click in the High Schools grid to open a new detail window. To delete a high school, highlight the row in the top grid then click the Delete button.

Note: High School entries remain linked between Prospect and Student records where the Prospect record has been loaded to Student.

Note: Applicants, via the Application Portal and Graduate Application Portal, have the ability to add custom high schools when their high school cannot be found in the portal search. These custom high schools are not automatically added to the CAMS High School Lookup. Instead, an email is sent to the address designated in the global.asa file as the Admission Email Address and a note is put in the Prospect Notes module in CAMS Enterprise in order to allow the Admissions office to review the new high school prior to entering it in CAMS.


High School Detail Fields

Test Scores - Scores for standardized tests, such as ACT and SAT, and custom tests can be entered here. Test Score Templates are defined in the CAMS Manager module, CAMS Manager >Lookup Table Options >Test Score Table Setup.

Since prospects may take a test more than once or even take different versions of the same test, the test score records are prioritized for CAMS reports using the following logic:

To Add a Test Score:

  1. Right-click in the Tests data grid. A new Test Information detail window displays.
  2. Select a Test Name and fill in any necessary fields.
  3. Place a check in the box next to Lock to prevent modifications from the Application or Graduate Application portal and prevent deletion from within CAMS. Note that a CAMS user with read/write access to Prospect Maintenance or Student Admissions Information can unlock and delete the test.
  4. Click Add to save the test to the Tests grid on the H.S./Scores tab and to allow scores to be entered.
  5. Double-click the newly added test in the grid to open the test detail and add scores.
  6. Right-click in the Scores grid to open the Score Information detail window.
  7. Select the Score Label from the drop-down and fill in any necessary fields.
  8. To add the score, click Add; or click Update to save a modification to an existing score.
  9. Click Update on the Test Information detail window to update the record.
  10. To delete a test score highlight the row in the grid then click the Delete button.

Note: A print icon displays above the Test Scores data grid which allows you to print out test scores directly from here.

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