SQL Database Login for Printing Batched Transcripts

Printing batched transcripts requires a database login (Db UserID and Db Password). The user will be required to enter a database login to connect to the database to run the transcript batch reports. This connection to the database expires immediately upon completion of printing the batch.

In CAMS reports, instead of passing the data in recordsets, a connection to the database is passed. The report then runs a SQL statement on the SQL server. In doing so, the SQL server is able to make use of its database indexes and the reports run very quickly regardless of the volume of data. Since the reports are running on the IIS server we can safely retrieve the database login and password that CAMS uses, make the connection and pass the connection to the report.

However, batched transcripts do not run on the IIS server. They run on the client machine. A transcript report is run for each transcript in the batch. If there are 10 transcripts in the batch, 10 transcript reports are run one at a time. This is done so that the transcript report can be printed directly to the printer without the user having to click a print button for each of the transcript reports in the batch. Since the batch transcripts are run on the client, there is not a safe way to retrieve the database login and password that CAMS uses. Therefore, a database login and password is required to be entered.

A database login will need to be created that can be used for batch transcripts. One login can be shared with multiple users. This login only needs 'Select’ access to the following views and tables:

If only ‘Select’ access to these tables and views is given, users would not be able to use this login to update or delete information. Also, since access is limited to these tables and views, users would only be able to gain access to the information that is printed on the transcripts, which they already have access to.

To set up a SQL user:

  1. Open Enterprise Manager (from the SQL server).
  2. Select Security and then select Logins.
  3. Add a new user ID, password, and then grant the user access rights to those objects listed above.