Print Batched Transcripts

Warning: Before batched transcripts can be printed, the correct Active X control must be installed on the local machine running the transcript batch process. The user of the machine must have permissions to download Active X controls. If this is the first time accessing the Batched Transcripts window the message below displays:

You do not have all components required to run this page.

To install the necessary components, click ONE of the "Install" links below. A new window will open to install the missing components. Please make sure you choose the correct link for your configuration. Installing the wrong control can cause unexpected results. Once the install is complete, you must close the install window, and the Batch Transcript window. You can then select Transcript Batch from the main menu and continue.

It is extremely important that the correct version of the ActiveX component is installed. There are two types of controls:

This version of the ActiveX control is for users who do not have any version of Crystal Reports installed on their local computer. Certain Crystal Reports files will be loaded onto the local machine to allow batched transcripts to print. The files that are installed with this version WILL INTERFERE with Crystal Report files that may be already loaded on the local computer. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary that no version of Crystal Reports reside on the local computer. The interaction of these files may result in a complete failure of all Crystal Reports. The only remedy to accidentally installing these files is a complete rebuild of the local computer.

This version of the ActiveX control is for users who have a copy of Crystal Reports installed on their local computer. The files that are installed with this version DO NOT INTERFERE with the Crystal Report files already on the system. They work in conjunction with existing files. If this version is installed on a local computer that does not have Crystal Reports installed then batched transcripts will not print because all the necessary files do not exist. If this version is accidentally installed on a computer without Crystal Reports you cannot then install the correct version of the ActiveX control. The control checks for existing files and will not overwrite files with the same name.

To print batched transcripts:

  1. Click Tools >Processes >Registration Module >Transcript Batches. The Transcript Batches window opens. The Batch Transcript List displays.
  2. The Filter By Current User option is checked by default and will only show/print those transcripts entered by the current user. To view/print all transcripts in the batch de-select the box. If you do not wish to print a particular transcript, highlight that record and then click the Delete button to remove individual transcripts from the batch before printing as necessary.
  3. In the Print Options section Report Format field, there are two options:
  1. In the Print To field, designate the printer to which transcripts will print.
  2. Click the Print button. Students who have no transcript courses but are included in the batch will not print. CAMS will continue to print transcripts for students that had transcript courses, then displays a message listing the students that had no transcript printed.

Note: If special paper is used for transcripts, ensure that the paper is loaded in the printer before clicking the Print button.

The user will be required to enter a Database Login (Db UserID and Db Password) to connect to the database to run the transcript batch reports. See SQL Database Login for Printing Batched Transcripts for information to set up the database login to print batch transcripts.

Important: Client workstations used to print Batch Transcripts must have network access to the SQL server over port 1433. The user logged into the workstation must have Read access to the CAMS Enterprise share as listed in the CAMS Enterprise\global.asa file on the following line:
Application("BaseSSIPath") = "\\<IIS server name>\<CAMSEnterprise folder name>"

This connection to the database expires immediately upon completion of printing the batch. This database login can be supplied by the CAMS Manager. Users may get the following pop up message after clicking OK: "This Web site uses a data provider that may be unsafe. If you trust the web site, click OK, otherwise click Cancel." Users should click OK. If the user wants to eliminate this message, they can go to (from the IE browser) Tools / Internet Options / Security. Select Trusted sites and click the Sites button. Add the name of the SQL Server.

  1. A prompt displays after the printing is finished asking whether printed transcripts should be deleted from the transcript batch. Click Yes to delete, or No to retain the transcripts.

Note: Depending on how many transcripts and how many different formats that are in the Batch List, printing time can be several minutes or longer. DO NOT CLOSE THE WINDOW until you get the message asking if you want to delete the printed transcripts. During the process, each transcript will be highlighted in the data grid to indicate when it is printing.