Block Registration Sequence Setup

Once Block Names have been setup, you can begin the setup of Sequences, which are groups of blocks.

To Setup Sequences and Block Mapping:

  1. From the CAMS Enterprise Home page, click Registration >Setup Block Reg >Sequence Setup. The Block Sequences windows opens with any existing sequences displayed in the grid. The grid is sorted alpha-numerically by Program.
  2. To filter by Program or Active/Inactive sequences, select from the drop-downs then click Filter.
  3. Click Print then choose Block Setup Report to print the Block Registration Setup Report. This report displays all Programs with Block Sequences, along with the Blocks and Sequences for those Programs.
  4. To delete a Block Sequence, highlight the Sequence row in the grid then click Delete. A Sequence cannot be deleted if the Block Sequence has been associated with any students in the Block Sequence field located at Registration >Academic > Status >Student Programs for Term detail or if there are any Mapped Blocks for the sequence.
  5. Double-click an existing entry in the grid to modify or right-click to add a new entry. The Sequence Entry detail window displays.
  6. Enter the Sequence Name (required). Sequence Names must be unique and cannot be duplicated.
  7. Select a Program to associate this sequence with (required). Sequences must be associated with a single program.
  8. Remove the check mark from Active Flag if you do not wish this sequence to be active and used for registration.
  9. To associate a Block Sequence to one or more Block Names that have been set up, highlight the Sequence name in the grid, then click the Block Mapping tab. The selected Sequence Name displays at the top of the window. Blocks already added to the Sequence, if any, display in the Mapped Blocks grid. Courses for the highlighted Mapped Block display in the Block Courses grid. The Block Courses grid is read-only here and must be maintained in Block Setup.
  10. Double-click an existing row in the Mapped Blocks grid to modify or right-click in the grid to map a block to the selected Sequence. The Sequence to Block Entry detail displays with the Sequence Name at the top of the window.
  11. The Program (required) is already preselected and populated from the selected sequence.
  12. Select the Block Name (required) for this entry. Block Names are created in Block Setup. The drop-down will display all Block Names attached to the selected Program and any Block Names where the Default Program is blank. Block Names cannot be used more than once in any given sequence but can be used in multiple sequences.
  13. Enter the Order in Sequence number. This number must be between 1 and 32767. The Order in Sequence may contain gaps (5, 10, 15, etc.) and the same number cannot be used for multiple blocks; entering gaps in numbering during set up will allow you to enter other blocks in between the existing sequence order, if necessary, without renumbering all entries. This field determines what order the blocks will be registered for sequences with multiple blocks. The lowest Order in Sequence will be registered in the first term’s registration, then the next higher numbered Order in Sequence will be registered in the next term’s registration, and so on.
  14. Click Add to add this Block Entry or Cancel to exit without saving.
  15. To delete a Mapped Block, highlight the row in the Mapped Blocks grid then click Delete.
  16. Continue adding Mapped Blocks as necessary to complete the sequence.
  17. See the Registration Processes documentation for step-by-step instructions to register students using Block Registration.