Block Registration Setup

Block Registration allows CAMS users to register groups of students for multiple courses at once. Sequences can be set up so that students may be registered for the first block sequence in the first term, the next sequence in the next term, and so on. Students can be registered together grouped by Cohort Groups. Courses must exist in the Master in order to add to blocks; courses linked with a block cannot be deleted at the master course level.

Courses must exist in the Offering for any terms you wish to register students. Courses are unofficially registered filling sections of each course until capacity for each section is reached, then all remaining students get loaded into the last section of any course.

To Setup Block Names and Attach Courses:

You should start the Block Registration setup process with a full pre-planning of the block(s) you want defined, the order of the blocks, and the courses to be attached to each block. Once you have one or more blocks set up, you can begin the setup of the Sequences (groups of blocks). Only one instance of a Master course may exist within one block; however Master courses may be used in multiple blocks. Each Block can consist of one or more Master course records.

  1. From the CAMS Enterprise Home page, click Registration >Setup Block Reg >Block Setup. The Block Names window opens with existing blocks displayed in the grid. The grid is sorted alpha-numerically by Block Name.
  2. To filter by Program or Active/Inactive blocks, select from the drop-downs then click Filter.
  3. Highlight a row in the top grid to display the courses attached to that Block Name in the bottom grid.
  4. To delete a Block Name, highlight the Block Name row in the grid then click Delete. A Block Name cannot be deleted if it is attached to a Block Sequence.
  5. Double-click an existing entry in the top grid to modify or right-click to add a new entry. The Block Name detail window displays.
  6. Enter the Block Name (required). Block Names must be unique and cannot be duplicated.
  7. Select the Default Program (Reference Table: Programs). Select a specific Program to restrict this Block to that Program in Block Sequence setup. Do not select a Default Program in order to allow this Block to be used with any Program’s Block Sequences; for example a General Studies block that may be used by multiple programs could be set to be available to all Programs.
  8. Remove the check mark from Active Flag if you do not wish this block to be active and used for registration.
  9. Enter a Description. Click Add (or Update) to save or Cancel to exit without saving.
  10. To add courses to the Block, highlight the Block Name in the top grid, then click the Block Courses tab. The selected Block Name displays at the top of the window. Courses already added to the block display in the grid. If courses have not yet been added, the grid will be blank.
  11. Right-click in the grid to open a selection form where you will select the courses to attach to this Block Name. Only active Master courses will be available to select.
  12. Use the selection fields, Page # drop-down, or a combination of both to locate the courses you wish to add to this Block Name.
  13. Place a check mark in the Selected column next to each course you wish to add.
  14. Enter search criteria in the fields and click Find or select another page to locate more courses. Check marks will remain checked unless the check is manually removed or until you click the Attach Selected button.
  15. The Show Selected button will toggle between “Show Selected” and “Show All” upon clicking Find or clicking the Show Selected/Show All button. Click Show Selected at any time to see the courses already selected. The grid will display any courses selected. Click Show All to display all courses.
  16. Once all the courses for this block have been selected, click Attach Selected. A pop-up displays confirming the number of courses to attach.
  17. Click Yes to attach those courses to the block and return to the Block Courses tab.
  18. After Block Names have been set up and courses have been attached, Sequences and Block Mapping can be completed.

Note: You cannot add more courses to a block in the same session after attaching courses. You must completely close the Registration Block Setup window and reopen to add more courses to a block.