
The Campuses reference table holds a cost center value for each Campus, along with Incidental Fee and Add/Drop Fee TransDocs associated with that Campus. These entries will facilitate accurate charging of the appropriate fees based on the Student Status Campus. Where the charges are applicable and where multiple cost centers are in place, CAMS will know which fee should be applied to a student’s account based on the Campus value in the Student Status record the term that is being registered.

In setting up the Campuses reference table, you will first identify the appropriate cost center for each campus. Note that a cost center can be used more than once in this case (You can assign the same cost center to multiple campuses).

This link between campus and cost center is necessary in determining which fee should be charged to the registering student. CAMS compares the Campus value in the student's status form with the values in the Campuses reference table to identify the assigned cost center. The fees set up in the Cost Type for this Cost Center (Tuition and Refunds) are used in the generation of charges.

For each campus, you will also assign TransDocs to be used for each fee (Incidental, Add/Drop). These values dictate which account number will be assigned to the transaction as well as other characteristics that are unique to the selected TransDoc.

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