Prior to the registering of students, it is necessary to setup your institution's tuition and refund policies. This process includes defining Cost Centers and setting up Cost Types, Refund Groups and Fees (as applicable) for each cost center that has been created. Each one of these points will be discussed in detail—simply access the appropriate link below to learn more. It is important to understand that this setup is the driving force for automated tuition and fee calculations as well as automated refund processes. Once set up, information can be copied from term to term.
From the Tuition and Refunds window (Registration >Offering >Setup >Tuition and Refunds), you will be able to setup these necessary elements (each is a tabbed form within the Tuition and Refunds window):
Note: There must
be one Cost Center in Tuition and Refund setup that hasn't been closed
in this term and there must also be at least one course in the offering
for the term before the term will appear in the Term drop-down field for
the student and faculty portals.
Each Term must have the Main Cost Center and Default Cost Type setup at a minimum. The Main/Default setup record is used to determine if registration is enabled for that term. If the Registration Status is set to “Closed” for the Main/Default, then the entire term’s registration is considered closed.