Cost Centers

The Cost Center reference table houses a collection of TransDocs. These TransDocs contain the necessary account numbers to which fees will be posted in the General Ledger. At least one cost center must be made available and termed “Main”.  If your institution tracks revenues by the courses taken, you may have multiple cost centers in place (i.e., by campus or by programs such as graduate or undergraduate, etc.). Under each of these Cost Centers, you can have multiple Cost Types to further define tuition and other registration-related fees based on student type (i.e. In-state, Out-of-state, etc.).

Cost Centers are attached to courses through Offering Maintenance. When a student registers for a class, CAMS looks at the cost center assigned to the course and based on the student's cost type generates a charge accordingly. Actual fee amounts are set in the Cost Setup forms accessed through the Cost Types tab of the Tuition and Refunds window.

You will want to select a TransDoc for each of the following categories:

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