Cost Type is used to build a cost structure within CAMS that allows for varying tuitions based on student type. For instance, in one class, you may have student types of in-state, out-of-state, senior citizens, veterans, etc. Each of these types are charged a different tuition rate. All these students sit in the same class, but are charged varying rates depending on the value entered in the Cost Type field of their Student Status window. Students possess a status record for each registered term and thus these cost type values are term specific. Upon registration, CAMS matches the registration term to the status term to obtain the appropriate value.
In the Cost Type reference table, TransDocs can be entered into the table so transactions are posted to the proper accounts in the General Ledger, or by leaving these values blank, the TransDocs in Cost Center will be used. Cost types need to be affixed to each student in the Student Status window. In the setup process, you will want to open the Cost Type table and make sure that the ‘Default’ value is defined here.
The actual tuition fee amounts are defined in the Cost Types tab of the Tuition and Refunds window.