Registration Fee Setup

In addition to the standard fees previously set up, CAMS provides ability to customize the fee structure by creating any number of fees to be assessed at the time of registration. This setup takes place in the Fees tab of the Tuition and Refunds window. Fees are grouped by Cost Type, so various fees can be applied to students based on their category

To create registration fees:

  1. Click Registration >Offering >Setup >Tuition and Refunds.
  2. Select the Cost Center under which these fees will fall.
  3. Highlight the appropriate Cost Type and click the Fees tab to access the Fees Definition form.
  4. To add a new fee, right-click in the data grid to open the entry form. The top of this form displays the Term, Cost Center and Cost Type. Use this information to verify that you are working with the correct data..
  5. Select the Fee Document (Trans Doc reference table).
  6. Select Fee Type: Flat, Per Hour, or One Time and set fee amounts for both full time and part time students.
  1. Flat - the designated fee will be charged at a flat rate based on Full or Part time load. The student load for assessing this fee is based on the Full Time load defined in Registration >Offering >Setup >Tuition and Refunds >Cost Types tab.
  2. One Time - (these function similarly to incidental fees), student’s load is based on the overall load which is the institution's overall load definition. Changes in fees are due to changes in student's overall load. One time fees are generated based on the student’s Cost Center which is determined by the assigned Campus in the Student Status form (Cost Center is linked to Campus in the Campuses Reference table) and the student’s Cost Type. These fees will be charged even if the student doesn't register for courses in the Cost Center. One time fees will only be charged from student's Cost Center/student Cost Type. Refunds will not be generated if the refund type is set to “None”.
  3. Per Course - this fee is charged once for each non-audit course the student registers for regardless of how many hours the course is or whether the student is part time or full time. If Per Course fees are selected, the Fee Max Cap field becomes available, allowing you to provide a dollar amount cap. For example, if the student registers for 4 courses, and the Per Course fee is $10, setting the cap at $25.00 would cause the student to be charged only $25.00. If the Fee Max Cap field is set to $0.00, the student would be charged $40.00.
  1. Per Hour - fees are charged based on the number of registered hours. If Per Hour fees are selected, the Fee Max Cap: field becomes available, allowing you to provide a dollar amount cap. For example, if the student's load is 12 hours, and the Per Hour fee is $10 per hour, setting the cap at $100 would cause the student to be charged only $100. If the Fee Max Cap: field is set to $0.00, the student would be charged $120.
  2. Repeat Hourly – fees are charged based on the number of repeats and repeated grades for courses. If Repeat Hourly fees are selected, additional selections display for Course Grades and Repeat Count. Select the course grade(s) that, if repeated, will incur this charge. Select the Repeat Count that if equal to or exceeded will incur this charge. For example, if grades C, D, and F are selected and a Repeat Count of 2 is entered, when a student repeats a course 2 or more times with any of the selected grades, this amounts entered for full time or part time will be charged. For courses where this fee is exempt, select the 'Exclude Repeat Charge" option in Offering Maintenance course detail.

Note: Per Course fees are not applied to Audit Courses.

  1. Refund Type: In case of a withdrawal, indicate the refund type: Full, None, or Pro-rate. If this field is left blank, the fee will not be refunded.
  1. Full: 100% of the fee will be refunded.
  2. None: The fee will not be refunded at all.
  3. Pro-rate: If selected, the system requires that a refund schedule (Refund Groups glossary table) also be selected. If no refund schedule is selected, or that refund schedule refund periods have not been defined, the system will not generate any refund.
  1. Click Update to save entry or Cancel to exit without saving.
  2. Add as many fees as needed for each cost type.

Note: If the Enable Reg Fees for Audit check box in CAMS Manager >Configuration >Registration Options is checked, the system includes any defined Registration Fees associated with the cost center cost type to be charged for audited courses (courses with AU grade designation). When this flag is disabled, the fees are not charged (audited courses only).

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