CAMS Configuration Registration Options

The Registration Configuration tab includes numerous items essential to the status, registration, and transcript processes.

Hours - These two fields contain values used to determine the minimum hours needed to be considered a Full Time or Part Time student at your institution. College Level Hours are defined in the reference table Reg Classification (CAMS Manager >Lookup Table Options >Table Maintenance >Reference).

Part Time student load is calculated as equal to or greater than the Min Part Time Hours but less than half of the Min Full Time Hours. Less Than Part Time is calculated as less than the set Min Part Time Hours but greater than zero hours.

FTE Full Time Hours - Define the default FTE (Full Time Equivalent) hours to be used in calculations of the Full Time Equivalent report in Registration >Reports >Full Time Equivalent.

GPA Decimal Positions - Specify the number of decimal places required for the grade point average calculation. The number of GPA decimal places defined will display on grade cards and transcripts.

GPA - The GPA is calculated to the specified number of decimal positions as given in the GPA Decimal Positions field, this setting is used to determine whether it's approximation is obtained by rounding or truncating.

Tuition Billing Mode - Determine which of the Billing Modes apply: Banded, Full-time Banded, Hourly, Part-time Banded, Standard, Standard Full-Time.

Repeat Policy - Identify the appropriate Repeat Policy to determine how GPA will be computed when a student takes a course more than once. CAMS will mark courses as repeat and apply the appropriate calculations to academic records based on the selection made here. Repeat Policy glossary table is static. No values may be modified, deleted, or added.

Max Number of Repeats - Sets the maximum number of classes a student may repeat before all additional repeated classes affect their GPA. Only used with the HIGHPRESERVEGPA repeat policy.

Repeat Limit Start Term - Sets the beginning term to start counting repeats. Only used with the HIGHPRESERVEGPA and HIGHWOHIST repeat policies.

Exc. Audit Hours - Check this box if audit hours (courses with AU grade designation) should be excluded from student load.

Enable Reg Fees for Audit - When this box is checked, the system includes any defined Registration Fees associated with the cost center cost type (Registration >Offering >Setup >Tuition and Refunds >Fees tab) to be charged for audited courses (courses with AU grade designation). When this flag is disabled, the fees are not charged (audited courses only).

Excl Transfer Hrs from Totals - Determine whether or not transfer credits should be included in the academic calculations. If left unchecked, transfer credits will be calculated the same as courses taken at your institution.

Excl Transfer Hrs from Clg Lvl - Check if you want to exclude transfer credits from the computation of College Level.

Adm Overrride Add/Drop Fee - If checked, this allows the user to override a default add/drop fee at time of registration.

Charge Add/Drop by Course - If checked, CAMS charges one fee for each individual course added or dropped. Three courses dropped equals the add/drop fee multiplied by three. The default (unchecked) policy is to charge one fee per registration change. If both of the Add/Drop options are checked, CAMS will prompt once asking whether or not to charge the multiple fee for all courses that have been added or dropped.

Allow Multi-Section Reg - If checked, students may register for multiple sections of the same course simultaneously.

Status Comment Pos - Determine the default comment position (Leading or Trailing) of transcript comments when a new student status record is created. Blank equals no default set.

Default Refund Type - Determine the default refund type (Refund Type glossary table). Blank equals no default set. This is the Refund Type that will be applied to Student Status records "by default" when a record is created. A Refund Type in the Student Status record tells CAMS which refund policy to apply.

Repeated Affects Cum Attempted Hours - Determines if repeated classes should affect cumulative attempted hours.

Allow Waitlist Override - If checked, allows a CAMS user to override a wait list for a course that is full or has a wait list and add the student to the course. If not checked, the Add Course / Override Waiting List option is disabled when a CAMS user attempts to register a student for a course that is full or has a waiting list.

Master/Offering Paging Rows - Set the number of grid rows to display for Master Courses, Master Courses Equivalents detail, and Offering Maintenance.

Allow Course Grade Catalog - Enable this option to display the "Grade Catalog" drop-down in Master Courses and Offering Maintenance. This allows a course to be set with a specific grade catalog that will be used for that course instead of the default set in the Student Status record.

Summarize Registration Charges - Enable this option to summarize registration-related charges per TransDoc. Separate charges using the same TransDoc will have their amounts combined per registration session.

WithDraw Policy – Enable a dialog that will display when withdrawing a student from a course in Official Registration. When withdrawing a course, users may select a Withdraw Reason (Reference table: Withdraw Reason and, if desired, an Exclude Withdraw Reason (Reference table: Exclude Withdraw Reason). A count of withdrawn courses is maintained and when a course has been withdrawn six times (including Transfer courses/Equivalents), the count will be updated in the student transcript record in the transcript comments section and will appear on the transcript if the option to show comments is selected.

Show Zero Dollar Amounts - Enable this option to generate batch transactions for refund events that calculate to $0.

Transcript Comment - This comment appears on every transcript and may be edited by the institution.

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