Student Degrees

The Student Degrees window is used to view all degree and associated information: majors, minors, honors, degree types and dates, Thesis and Dissertations, and diploma and commencement specifics.

Degree Maintenance can actually begin in the Admissions module, however with limited access only. It is only in the Registration module that degrees can be granted. Through Admissions, transfer degrees can be recorded and in-house degrees can be started. If Transfer Degree and Degree Earned fields both have a value of Yes, only then will Graduation Date and Conferred Date fields be editable from the Admissions module. When viewing degree records from Admissions, if either field has a value of No, then Graduation Date and Conferred Date fields will be uneditable as in-house degrees must be conferred in the Registration module. Non-Transfer, Earned, Conferred degrees cannot be modified from Admissions.

In this first page of the Student Degree entry form, degree information is stored including anticipated date and term of graduation, transfer school (if applicable). Store up to three majors, minors and cognates. It is in this form that the Graduation Date and Conferred Date are recorded. The fields Major Option 1, Major Option 2, Reverse Transfer, and Under Grad Cert Type are used in the Degree Verify Export (Tools > Export > Registration > Degree Verify).

The second page of the Student Degree entry form is used to store information about the commencement: Date, whether or not the student will be participating in the ceremony, diploma information, etc.

Note: On page 2, the Diploma First Name and Diploma Last Name are not case sensitive but must be spelled exactly the same as listed on the student’s record. The degree record must be saved first before entering the name into these fields.

The second tab in the Student Degrees Window, Thesis/Dissertation, has been provided for the purpose or recording Thesis and Dissertation information including significant dates in the process and committee members.

To add a Degree to a student's record:

  1. Click on the Degrees button in the "More" tab of the Student Admissions Information window, or click Registration >Academic >Degrees.
  2. Right-click in the Degrees data grid to open the entry screen.
  3. Enter appropriate data.
  4. When finished, click Add to save the entry or Cancel to exit without saving.

To change an existing Degree:

  1. Double-click the record to be changed.
  2. Make appropriate changes.
  3. Click Update to save changes or Cancel to exit without saving.