Mass Add Student Activity

Use the Mass Add Student Activity function to add a single activity or a sequence of activities to a group of students determined by selection criteria. Prior to adding activities, they must first be set up in CAMS Manager >Lookup Table Options >Table Maintenance >Activity Reference Table. Activity sequences can then be set up through Admissions >Lookups >Letter Sequences.

To Mass Add Activities:

  1. From the CAMS Enterprise home page, click Tools >Processes >Admissions Module >Add Student Activity. The Add Student Activity window opens with the Criteria Page 1 displayed.
  2. Select criteria to designate a group of students to whom the activity will be added, and then click the Criteria Page 2 tab.
  3. Additional criteria may be selected to define the group of students. When you have selected all the desired criteria from Criteria Page 1 and Criteria Page 2, click Initiate. This process gathers a list of all students who meet the selected criteria. The list displays on the Students tab.

Single Activity

  1. Click the Activity tab, and then click Add Single Activity.
  2. Enter or select from the calendar the Activity Due Date.
  3. Enter the appropriate Term.
  4. Select the activity from the Activity drop-down list (Activity reference table).
  5. Use the Notes text box to place additional information about the activity (optional).
  6. The Completion Date will typically be left blank, unless you are adding the activity as a historical record.
  7. Select the Activity Type: To-Do, Export, Email, or History.
  1. If Export is selected for activity type, then enter the Document Name (field only appears after clicking Export).
  2. If Email is selected, then select the email template from the drop-down list. See Correspondence Email Setup for more detail on this topic.
  3. If History is selected, the activity is already complete and is being recorded for historical purposes only. History is available for student activities only. This option is not available for prospects at this time.
  1. Click Process to add the activity to the selected students' records. You may view and update the activity in the Student Admissions Information window, Activity tab.

Sequence of Activities

  1. Complete steps 1 - 3 under Mass Add Activities, and then click the Activity tab.
  2. Click Add Activity Sequence.
  3. Select the appropriate Sequence from the drop-down list.
  4. Enter the appropriate Term.
  5. Enter or Select the Activity Start Date.
  6. Use the Notes text box to place additional information about the activity (optional). Information recorded here will be attached to each activity in the sequence.
  7. The Completion Date will typically be left blank when adding a new activity sequence, but if you do enter a completion date, it will apply to each activity in the sequence.
  8. Click Process to add the sequence of activities to the selected students' records. You may view and update activities in the Student Admissions Information window, Activity tab.

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