Role Administration

Role administration is a tool available in CAMS to assist in the assigning of menu access rights. Create as many roles as required by your institution to account for various user types and various departments. Once created, you can easily assign a roles to users. Individuals are assigned roles through the Users Menu Access form. Unlike the Menu Access form, which is designed for the linking of any number of roles to a single user, the Role Administration form links a single role to any number of users.

To Define a User Role

  1. From the CAMS Enterprise Home page, click CAMS Manager > Users > Role Administration. The Roles Administration window opens.
  2. To create a new role, right-click anywhere in the User Roles Defined data grid.
  3. Type the role name using 40 characters or less, such as Registrar RW, Admissions RO, etc. Adding “RW” (Read/Write) or “RO” (Read Only) after the name may help when you wish to define two roles within the same department, but with slightly different access rights. For instance, you may define Admissions RW, a role that allows a user assigned to it to be able to add, change, or delete records, and you may define Admissions RO, a role that allows a user assigned to it to simply view Admissions data, but not allow him to alter it.
  4. Use the scroll bar to the right of the form to view additional menu item names. Click the appropriate check boxes to determine the access for this role, then click Add. The new role then appears in the User Roles Defined list.

Note: Once user rights have been assigned to a role, their access rights cannot be changed manually. If you wish to add to or remove rights from a user in a role, you must first remove them from the role, and then you may manually grant access rights.

Once created, access roles can be assigned in one of two methods. Roles can be assigned one user at a time, or multiple users can be assigned to a single role. Both methods are described here.

To Assign Role to User

  1. From the CAMS Enterprise Home page, click CAMS Manager >Users >User Administration. The User List window opens. Highlight the user to whom you wish to assign rights, and click the Menu Access tab.
  2. Click the appropriate check box to determine which role to assign to the user. The role is immediately assigned and CAMS marks the corresponding menu items accordingly. Users may be assigned to only one role.

To Assign Users to Role

  1. CAMS provides a list sorted by role of all users to whom that role is assigned. To review this list, click to select the appropriate role in the User Roles Defined window.
  2. Click the Users In Role tab. The Users In Role list displays check marks denoting any users who have been assigned this particular role. To add a user to this role, click the checkbox next to that person’s name so that a check mark displays. To remove a user from the role, simply remove the check mark next to that person’s name. Users may be assigned to only one role.

Note: CAMS Enterprise only recognizes one role per user. You can apply multiple roles to a user but only the latest role applied will determine the permissions that user has.

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