CAMS User Menu Access

The Menu Access form is opened by clicking CAMS Manager >Users >User Administration. Access rights can be assigned by copying an existing user's access rights to another, manually assigning rights, or by using role administration.

To assign menu access:

  1. Copy From User. All access rights granted to another user are copied to the new user.
  1. Use the drop down list to identify the user access rights you wish to copy.
  2. Click OK.
  3. Proceed with either of the remaining options for assigning menu access or exit and save record by closing the form using the "x" in the top right corner.
  1. Manually. CAMS Manager selects each module and menu item individually.
  1. Select menu access for each menu item. Default access will be "No Access". Select Read/Write, Read Only, or No Access.
  2. After making all desired selections, save the record by closing the form using the "x" in the top right corner.
  1. User In Role. A particular role is assigned to the user, and all access rights granted that role are also granted to the new user. See Role Administration.
  1. Place a check in all applicable roles for the user.
  2. Proceed with either of the remaining options for assigning menu access or exit and save record by closing the form using the "x" in the top right corner.

Note the following when assigning access:

If read or read/write access is required at a lower than root level, at least a “read” access should be defined at the root level. (i.e. to give read write access to menu item Add Students, Read/Write or Read Only must be selected for the menu item, Admissions and Student.

If you click on the root level (for any of the three access possibilities) all menu items within that root module will be set to that access right.

Clicking on each successive level will set that level and all lower levels falling under that item, to the newly-selected access right.

If a conflict occurs in the hierarchy, CAMS notifies you with the User Menu Access modal screen; at this time you have the option of overriding the access right — in which case the higher level access will be set to “Read” in order to accommodate any lower access (either read or read/write).

When using a combination of access methods (i.e. manual and role administration), and a conflict exists between the two, the highest access right will take precedence, provided that the role assignment takes place last. Anytime a manual entry is made, that entry will override any previous right assigned manually or by role administration.

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