Setup Required to Import PowerFAIDS Awards

In order to import awards from EDExpress or import awards from PowerFAIDS, minimal setup must first be completed in the CAMS Manager and Financial Aid modules. Click here for an overview of complete setup of the Financial Aid module. Minimal setup includes the following items:

To do minimal setup in CAMS awards imported from PowerFAIDS:

  1. From the CAMS Enterprise Home page, click CAMS Manager >Lookup Table Options >Transaction Documents table. Note that the TransDoc name will become the award name. All awards must exist in CAMS in order to be imported. Be sure to indicate whether awards are 1098 deductible.
  2. Once awards are entered into the TransDoc Reference table in CAMS Manager, you must generate them in the Award Reference list in Financial Aid >Setup >Award Reference.
  3. In Financial Aid >Setup >Award Reference, indicate in the Award Reference Entry window the PowerFAIDS Fund Code which coordinates with each award in the Award Reference List. CAMS uses the Fund code to determine whether there is a matching award in CAMS during the PowerFAIDS award import process. If an award exists but no PowerFAIDS Fund Code is present, CAMS will not import the award, and instead will display it on an exception list.
  4. In the CAMS Manager >Lookup Table Options >Term Calendar table, provide the PowerFAIDS POE Token. The POE (Point of Enrollment) token is how CAMS determines which for which term awards will apply.
  5. Minimal setup of Financial Aid for PowerFAIDS award import process is complete. Click here for instructions on how to import awards from PowerFAIDS.

Import File Layout

The import file layout is a comma delimited text file with the following fields in this order:

Note: Up to two additional, optional fields with a maximum of 50 characters total combined may be used after Amount to match awards. These fields are recorded in the Award TransID field in Financial Aid Maintenance. Typically these fields will be used for the CommonLine unique identifier and disbursement number.

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