Miscellaneous Portal Configuration

The following fields available from CAMS Manager >CAMS Portal >Misc Configuration are not inter-related, but are relative to all portals.

Other Options

Enable IP Lockout If an institution chooses to globally disable the IP Lockout security feature, they can uncheck the Enable IP Lockout checkbox. This will disable the default 10 minute lockout of the IP address, and allow the user to continue attempting to log in to the portals.

Note: This does not affect the delay between failed portal login attempts. With IP lockout disabled, the user will still experience the delay between failed login attempts, but the delay will reset after each 5th attempt.

Forum Portal

*** The Forum Portal was decommissioned in CAMS Release 21.2.0. ***

Enable Forum Portal This enables access to the Forum Portal for the student and faculty portal. If unchecked the portals will use the traditional style forums.

Enable Forum Member Management in CAMS This enables student and faculty forum member management from within CAMS. An option will display in Faculty >Maintain >Modify >More tab >Portal and Admissions >Students >Student Access to create Forum Portal members for each. If Enable Forum Member Management in CAMS is unchecked, these fields will not display.


SMTP Server Populate this field with your SMTP server (smart host) value when using Method 2 SMTP setup (see the Managing CAMS Enterprise document).

Services Email Email address used for various email functions in CAMS such as notifying a student of portal access during the Load from Prospect function.

Application Password Options

Check the box next to Enable Password Expiration to cause portal passwords to expire after a certain number of days (Alumni, Faculty, Faculty Administrative, and Student portals). Enter the number of days in which passwords should expire in the Expires Every # Days field. Portal users will be required to change their password after this number of days has passed since the last time their password was changed. The number of days can be set between 0 and 365. Setting the field to 0 (zero) equates to never expires.

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