College Level Reference Table

College Level reflects the number of credits earned by students based on thresholds determined by the Reg Classification Reference Table. Attributes in the College Level Reference Table will determine how levels are displayed in CAMS, how each level is evaluated when Schedule Registration is used, and values reported to COD, NSC, and Speede.

College Level Fields:

Display Text - Text that will display for the College Level record.

Display Order - Order in which the College Level will display in drop-down menus throughout CAMS.

Reg Scheduling Order - Used to determine if the College Level will satisfy a College Level requirement set as a course pre-requisite (if present). It also determines if a student is eligible to register if Schedule Registration is being used. Example: If the Reg Scheduling Order value of Sophomore and Junior College Levels is set to 50 and the Schedule Registration period or a course pre-requisite is restricted to Juniors, then Sophomores will also be allowed to register due to Reg Scheduling Order weighting both levels equally.

Active - Determines if the College Level is active or inactive. Inactive College Levels will not be available to select from drop-down menus.

State Reporting Code - Populate as needed.

ISO Code - Populate as needed.

COD Student Level Code - Determines the Student Level Code reported to COD. Hard-coded in CAMS middleware.

NSC College Level - Determined the College Level value reported to NSC. Populated from the Glossary Table.

Speede Student Level - Populate as needed.