Constituent Relationships

The Constituent Relationship Entry form links constituents to other constituents or non-constituents. A constituent may have any number of relationships, but only one relationship may be marked as a Primary Relationship. These relationships provide the opportunity to create a joint account for two constituents. A joint account relationship is necessary to apply soft credit, or to split gifts between constituents.

To create a relationship:

  1. Access the Constituent Relationship form by clicking the Relationship option on the More tab of the Constituent Profile window.
  2. Right-click in the data grid to open the constituent Relationship entry form.
  3. If linking this constituent to another constituent already in CAMS, click search icon to access a select constituent form. Enter search criteria and click Find. Any constituents matching the criteria display in the list. Double-click the appropriate constituent to populate the record. If the relationship is NOT a constituent within CAMS, enter the first and last names, as well as date of birth, and address information.
  4. Click Yes to create a joint account, or No if not linking relationships as a joint account. The relationship must have a constituent record within CAMS in order to create a joint account.
  5. To allow this constituent to make pledge payments from the Alumni Portal for this relation, place a checkmark next to Allow Payments Toward Relations Pledges. This will not automatically check the same box for the relation; if the relation is also to be allowed to make pledge payments for this constituent, you must also check Allow Payments Toward Relations Pledges in the relations profile window. Constituents can only make payments for other constituent pledges from the Alumni portal if a Relationship is set with this option checked.
  6. Select the appropriate Relation and Reversing Relation from the list (Relationship Type glossary table).
  7. Click Yes or No to indicate whether the relation is Active. Active relations will qualify for mailings, split gifts, etc.
  8. Click Yes or No to indicate whether this relation is the primary relation.
  9. Click Add to save this information, or Cancel to exit without saving.

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