Constituent Profile Page 1

The profile pages in this window are used to identify the constituent. Data input in these fields allows you to later filter records for particular reports and mailings, thus targeting and profiling specific constituent groups. The instructions below are broken down by the sections found on the entry form.

The first profile page is divided into three sections:

Constituent Account

  1. This first section identifies the constituent type, offering three fields of categorization.
  1. Supply Account Agent (Fund Agents Reference Table). This is the solicitor, or person responsible for the account.
  2. Stop Mailing: If you check this option, this constituent can be excluded from mass mailings you create through Donor BYOR.
  3. Deceased: Use this field to identify those constituents who have passed away. Like the Stop Mailing field, this criteria can be used for exclusion of mailings if desired, or for other reporting purposes as needed. When selecting Yes for Deceased, Stop Mail and Stop Calls are automatically changed toYes, the Address Type set as Primary is copied with the newly copied address set as Primary and the Address1 field populated with "Deceased" which will display on the Profile tab in theLine 1field for the Primary Address.

Constituent Profile

The constituent profile section will vary according to the Account Type that has been selected. For all but Corporation Account Type, you will have fields for recording both constituent and spouse names. When working with Corporations, the entry fields available are the company's name and primary contact information.

Primary Address

While many addresses can be stored for a constituent, only one can be marked as the primary address at any given time. This section of the profile window simply displays that primary address. To modify or assign a new primary address, access the Constituent Address List form by clicking on the icon next to "Primary Address" in this section. Note that the primary email address that has been recorded in the address record marked primary will appear at the bottom of this section and can be used as a direct link to send email.

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