The TR grade allows colleges to input a transfer summary record that can appear on the transcript and will affect GPA. TR grades should only be used when entering a SUMMARY record where the GPA needs to be physically set by the user or in such cases as moving from a quarter system to a term system where the GPA's would not follow the normal GPA Points/GPA Hours formula.
This grade cannot be altered in Custom Grades and was not intended to be used on detail transfer work since typically the detail work has a final grade that tells the system how it would affect the GPA.
When entering grades through Student Transfer Entry or Transcript Maintenance, select "Yes" in the Transfer Summary field. Selecting "Yes" results in different grade attribute options becoming available.
Note: Affects Term GPA and Affects Cumulative GPA must be checked in order to enter points or hours in these fields.
See Transfer Course Maintenance for detailed instructions on entering transfer course work.