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Student High School / Scores Information
Tracking the high schools from which students come may be a very useful tool to an institution’s recruiting efforts.
Record student high school information by accessing the Student Admissions Information window and clicking the H.S. tab. This form also contains those test scores associated with college entry such as SAT and ACT. High school information can be recorded in the Prospect form as well and is loaded into the student record when adding a new student using the Load from Prospect process.
High Schools are loaded in the entry form found at Admissions >Lookups >High School.
High Schools - Multiple high schools may be entered. Where multiple high schools exist for a student, the high school records are prioritized for CAMS reports using the following logic:
- HighSchoolID values greater than zero are given priority. This prevents selection of the blank high school record if another non-blank record exists.
- The most recent graduation date is given priority. If graduation data is populated in the text graduation date field instead of the date field, only the year is considered since the text data is free form and unstandardized.
- Lastly, the most recent record (based on the highest StudentHighSchoolID) is given priority if more than one record has the same priority based on the first two prioritization criteria.
To enter the student's high school right-click in the High Schools grid to open a new detail window. To delete a high school, highlight the row in the top grid then click the Delete button.
Note: High School entries remain linked between Prospect and Student records if the Prospect record has been loaded to Student.
High School Detail Fields
- HS Grad Date - The date the student graduated from high school.
- HS Graduated - The date the student graduated from high school but only uses month and year in MM/YYYY format.
- High School Name - You must use the Look Up icon to the right of the High School Name field to search for the school. If the high school is not found then it must be entered in the High School Lookup screen and then applied to the student .
- HS Counselor - Name of the student's High School Counselor.
- Counselor Title - Title of the student's High School Counselor.
- Counselor Phone - Phone number of the student's High School Counselor.
- HS GPA - The GPA the student achieved when graduating high school of the HS GPA Scale the high school used.
- Rank - The rank the student achieved when graduating high school of the number of students (HS Rank out of) ranked against.
- HS Completion Status - Select Diploma or GED.
- Report GED Date - Date the student received their GED.
- PGPA Verbal - Projected verbal GPA.
- PGPA Math - Projected math GPA.
- PGPA - Projected GPA.
Test Scores - Scores for standardized tests, such as ACT and SAT, and custom tests can be entered here. Test Score Templates are defined in the CAMS Manager module, CAMS Manager >Lookup Table Options >Test Score Table Setup.
Since students may take a test more than once or even take different versions of the same test, the test score records are prioritized for CAMS reports using the following logic:
- Test score records are first prioritized based on their source. This prevents unofficial records entered by a student from being selected over data that is obtained from importing an official test score file. The priority of the sources is as follows:
- Official Document or Official Import
- Unofficial Document or Unofficial - Import
- High School Transcript
- Provisional
- Self-Reported
- All Other Sources
- The highest composite score is given priority.
- The most recent test date is given priority.
- Finally, the most recent record (based on the highest CAMS_TestID) is given priority if more than one record has the same priority based on the first three prioritization criteria.
To Add a Test Score:
- Right-click in the Tests data grid. A new Test Information detail window displays.
- Select a Test Name and fill in any necessary fields.
- Place a check in the box next to Lock to prevent modifications from the Application or Graduate Application portal and prevent deletion from within CAMS. Note that a CAMS user with read/write access to Prospect Maintenance or Student Admissions Information can unlock and delete the test.
- Click Add to save the test to the Tests grid on the H.S./Scores tab and to allow scores to be entered.
- Double-click the newly added test in the grid to open the test detail and add scores.
- Right-click in the Scores grid to open the Score Information detail window.
- Select the Score Label from the drop-down and fill in any necessary fields.
- To add the score, click Add; or click Update to save a modification to an existing score.
- Click Update on the Test Information detail window to update the record.
- To delete a test score highlight the row in the grid then click the Delete button.
Note: A print icon displays above the Test Scores data grid which allows you to print out test scores directly from here.
Test Scores for both standardized and
custom tests are entered here.
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