Student Scores

Tests and associated scores are entered either through Prospect >Add/Change Prospect >Scores tab, or through the High School (H.S.) tab of Student Admissions Information window. CAMS provides several standardized test templates from which to choose. Additional test score templates can be created through CAMS Manager. Each test can have its own set of information fields, score fields, percentile fields, placement check boxes and user defined fields.

See the Step-By-Step instructions to manually enter Prospect or Student test scores.

Student Test Score BYOR

In the Admissions >Student >Report >BYOR on the Interest/Activity (Int/Act) tab there are test related fields used to search against entered tests. If you are going to search for tests you must select a Test Name and then one or more Test Subject Names. You may only search for one test per report and you must select each Test Name Subject that you want to search against.

ACT and SAT test date fields are also on the Scores tab and can be used to search for these specific test dates. These two fields will allow you to search for both the ACT and SAT dates concurrently. Do not use these fields at the same time you use the fields on the Int/Act tab.

GED tests can also be recorded in the Student Test Scores section. You may have as many GED tests (attempts) as necessary. And these tests will work with the Student Test Score BYOR. There is an additional field on the H.S. page called Report GED Date. This field can be used as the actual date that a student passed the GED. It is placed on this page in addition to the test scores to facilitate quick viewing as to whether a student has graduated high school or took the GED. The Report GED Date field is used on the Admission Verification report. If you use this report you will need to populate this field in addition to any entries you make in the Student Test Scores section.

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