Contact Management Overview

Through the Contact Management process, you can apply an event or sequence of events to prospects, students, constituents, or faculty. A sequence is basically a grouping of events. Defining such a group allows you the ability to assign several activities to an individual's record simultaneously. Contact management can take place in Admissions, Placement, or Development. Staff members within each of these offices can create new sequence groups, apply activities, insert them in specific records, and generate the final contact.

Following are the basic steps in implementing CAMS Contact Management:

  1. Populate Activity Lookup reference table, a list of all possible activities to be assigned to an individual. This list will be populated by the CAMS Manager, however input is necessary from all offices involved in the contact management process.
  2. Define Email Templates (if the email feature is to be used). Click the link to learn more about correspondence email.
  3. Create Letter Sequences. This process consists of creating groups and adding activities to those groups.
    1. Groups are sets of activities to be applied to a prospect or student for a specific purpose. For example, an Admissions office may have a group called Incoming Freshmen that contains activities such as letters pertaining to a student’s entrance to the institution.
    2. Activities can be in the form of a "To-Do" which is basically any physical activity such as phone call, interview, etc. Activities can also be an email or export.  
  1. Assign Activities to Individuals (Prospects, Students, Donors). See Prospect Activities and Student Activities.
  2. Generate Reports, Email, and Export files through Prospect Correspondence and Student Correspondence.

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