Generate Billing Refunds

Use this feature to create refund transactions for students with credit balances on their accounts. The process will create a billing batch to be reviewed and posted to the student ledgers.

  1. Click Tools >Processes >Billing Module >Billing Processes to open the Tools Billing Process Options window.
  2. Click the Refunds tab.
  3. Choose the Refund Transaction Term. The term value includes the running balance of all transactions up to and including that term.
  4. Define the Refund Transaction Doc to be generated; since 1) this will zero-out the student’s credit balance, this should be a Debit Transaction Type and 2) since it will be used in order to generate a check in your accounting program, it should be defined with a "Y" definition in the Accounts Payable field.
  5. Determine if balances should be evaluated on a Term basis or Overall basis. Choose Term to evaluate based on a running balance up to the Term selected; choose Overall to evaluate based on all terms, even those beyond the Term selected.
  6. (Optional) If you want to work with student accounts from a specific campus, identify that Campus from the drop-down list.
  7. Select whether or not you wish to include Batch Transactions.
  8. (Optional) Select Billing categories in Exclude Students in Categories; students with these Billing categories will not be identified for refunds.
  9. (Optional) To use the TransDoc Description for all refund transactions in this process, place a check in Use Transdoc Description. Leave this unchecked to automatically use "Student Refund" as the description for all refund transactions regardless of the Description entered in the TransDoc.
  10. Enter the Refund Transaction Date to be used for the refund transactions that are created.
  11. (Optional) Select an Ext. Document from the Refund Extended Doc. field; this lookup value defines the nature of the transaction and provides a user-defined flag for check writing purposes.
  12. (Optional) If you only wish to work with students registered in a specific Term, identify that Term.

Note: If Include Student Registered in Term is not populated AND Include Only Students in Campus is populated, CAMS will determine the Campus from the latest Student Status record.

  1. Indicate whether you will include Non-Ledger transactions, which reside on the students Non-Billing tab in the student ledger.
  2. Select whether or not to Include Pending Financial Aid. Including Pending Financial Aid will use any transactions in the Student's Financial Aid Maintenance that have not been sent to Billing when calculating refunds.
  3. Define the Direct Deposit Refund Transdoc to be generated. This field will only be available if you are utilizing Direct Deposit and the Enable Bank Interface is enabled in CAMS Manager >Configuration >Billing tab. This TransDoc will be used for refund transactions where students have been set up as Direct Deposit and can be the same or different TransDoc as used in the Refund Transaction Doc field. Since 1) this will zero-out the student’s credit balance, this should be a Debit Transaction Type and 2) since it will be used in order to generate a check in your accounting program, it should be defined with a "Y" definition in the Accounts Payable field.

Note: Direct Deposit and the Enable Bank Interface functionality works directly with Herring Bank. You must first contact Unit4 Education Solutions, Inc. and then your bank in order to have everything configured correctly on your site prior to enabling the Bank Interface.

  1. Click the Process button to immediately generate the transactions in a Billing Batch. Access the newly created batch in the Billing Batch window to view, edit and distribute refunds to student ledgers.

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